Choice: The Power of "No"
Joe Johnston
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Often as individuals, it seems the more that we grow, develop, mature, and wise up as individuals, the more we often lose sight of the little choices, rights, and privileges that we ultimately possess as our own autonomous individuals. As children, many of us have no problem speaking our mind, expressing to others and the world anything and everything that is on our minds. The more we grow older however, in an effort to often confine with societal expectations and not be “difficult,” we begin to concede more and more to the wishes and desires of others; often at the cost of our own personal well-being and peace of mind. Of course, occasionally superseding to the wishes of the group in order to ease a situation is not usually detrimental however, if we continuously fall into this pattern of conceding to the wishes and expectations of others time after time, year after year, we can find ourselves suddenly stuck in a life and existence that we never could have possibly imagined for ourselves. Thus, often all we truly need are simple little reminders. Simple reminders as to our own first amendment rights as United States citizens. Reminders as to the simple rights we maintain and used to exercise all too often in our youth. Reminders about the power and personal strength that comes with the usage of the simple word “No.”
Now as much as this article is about the power of the word “no” and its proper utilization in our everyday lives, the overarching theme of this article has more to do with the PERSONAL power of choice then it does anything else. The ability to utilize our “ego” strength, as the Freudian-descendants call it, in order to make choices that are personally beneficial to us, Each and every single one of us as individuals has the ability and power to choose. From everyday mundane choices such as what to eat and wear to more broader life choices such as what jobs, relationships, and careers to ultimately pursue.
Recently, I found myself in a situation in which I was not necessarily entirely satisfied or happy with my current job situation. I took a promotion at a job and in a career path which I had promised myself a mere year earlier I would never take. And yet, due to combination of different reasons, a lack of ego strength being one of them, I betrayed myself and my truest intentions in life. I allowed myself to fall into the pressure (or perceived pressure) of external sources to promote and continue on the “right” career path while also seeking the monetary and financial rewards that came with such a choice. After continued weeks of misery in the new role, a sudden incident forced me to make a decision that I have not yet regretted and which (I believe) will ultimately change my life for the better: I quit that job and the secured career path laid out for me in pursuit of my own personal and professional dreams. A pursuit that has made me abundantly happier ever since and awarded me a freedom and peace of mind I never could have imagined or attained in my previous role. And all of this stemmed from my simple ability to say “no” and exercise my first amendment right as an American citizen. My ability to utilize my built-up ego strength. My willingness to go against the grain, finally stand up to the structures that be, and dismiss the opinions and pressures of others to say “no, I will not pursue this structured path and will elect instead to bet on myself, my dreams, and work ethic.” And it was that simple ability to say no, that has since changed my life for the better.
Every day of our lives as individuals we face choices. Choices to concede. Choices to “go with the flow” as they say, a choice which, might I add, is often quite an easy and socially expected one. On the other side of the coin however, available to us all should we dare to exercise it, is the choice to stand up for ourselves, our inner beliefs, feelings, and intuition. A choice in which we stay true to ourselves, our deepest wishes, and our dreams. A choice which is not always the common and “expected” choice, but nonetheless, is equally powerful in its election. The simple choice to utilize the power of the word “no.”
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