As humans we all have choices to make in our daily lives. But we have to ask ourselves why do people who are presented with the same options make different choices, this has been a major concern that has driven most of the researchers to carry out research in this field.Reseachers have come up with themes which reveal rapid progress in mapping the psychology of emotion and decision making.Together, they came up with one overarching conclusion: emotions pervasively, powerfully and predictably impact on our choices.
Although a negative view of emotion has dominated our thought, integral emotions could be a beneficial guide .The dominant predisposition toward viewing emotion as a secondary guide is entirely backward this is because, the slaves of passion have no other choice than to serve and obey them thus from this view the motivation to respond to injustice is provided by the anger and reason why people avoid excessive risk taking is anticipation of regret.
Integral emotions as bias, integral emotions can be a bias in our decision making despite arising from the judgment at hand. For instance one may feel afraid to fly and instead choose to drive even though there are higher chances for death by driving than flying.Remarkbly, integral emotions are influential even in the presence of cognitive information that would create alternative choices. Once integral emotions aim at a particular decision target detaching becomes very difficult
Incidental emotions in decision making, incidental emotions carry over from one situation to the next pervasively, for instance anger caused in one situation automatically bring a motive to blame other individuals even though the targets of such anger have no relation with the source of anger.
Categorizing emotions into positive and negative and posting that emotion of the same valence would have same effects. For example from the research carried out recently individual in good moods would come up with optimistic judgments while people in bad moods would come up with pessimistic judgement.The influence of mood on our choices does not depend on the content of stories and content of subsequent judgments being similar
Emotions also influence the depth of information related to making decision in addition to impacting on the content of thought. Emotions play an adaptive role in that when a situation requires an additional attention they are able signal. In case of a negative mood it should signal a threat and therefore vigilant systematic processing and positive should imply a safe environment.