Choice and Decision Making
Martin Pluss
Geography Teacher who runs long on the back of #6kmrunning and engages with local geography.
Ironman choice and decision making process
A “choice can be defined as the right, power or ability to choose whereas decision can be defined as a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.” I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and I gained greater understanding when I thought of the difference in my ironman decision making process.
To illustrate, let’s use my Ironman triathlon as an example. With my triathlon, I have the freedom to choose from an endless list of events. I could choose a sprint, Olympic distances, half ironman or ironman. I am at the place of choice.
But, I don’t make decisions in a void. My decisions are influenced by a range of factors like health, injuries, fitness, time, motivation, work, family, It’s when I start taking these factors into consideration that you move to the point of decision.
In the 1980s I wanted to do triathlons as part of life and mix with like minded people the a sprint or an Olympic distance races were just fine. However, if I wanted to be able to participate in a series of longer more challenging events then the half ironman is a reasonable option to consider as a stepping stone to qualify for an ironman which is possibly a once in a life time opportunity.
I consider all the above as pondering choices. The decision was pretty quick and I was committed to the ironman. The decision was made in May 2013 when I completed the Port Macquarie Ironman, where I had to sign up 12 months in advance for the Port Macquarie Ironman in 2014.
I thought this would help me but I am still struggling with the difference between choice and a decision. Here is combination of a definitions, factors and alternatives when it comes to choice and decisions.
Choice is the opportunity, power and right to select. For thirty years all three factors did not align until 2013 in relation to my Ironman decision.
Decision is reaching a conclusion or resolution after consideration. Decision made May 2013 to compete in the Ironman.
Choice is influenced by a person’s values, beliefs, and perceptions about the choice. The turning point for me about the choice was when I spoke to Jenny and asked that she and the family support me if I made the decision to compete. I the past my event decisions had little or no impact on the family. Training for an Ironman would have an impact.
Decision is influenced by the analysis of facts and information.
Choice implies the existence of alternatives. There were plenty of alternatives with 30years of pondering a choice.
Decision does not imply the existence of alternatives. Fremantle was too far away, Kona just not possible so Port Ironman it was.
This helped me make progress but I still have a way to to go to fully understand the difference between choice and decisions. so I have done some more research.
Here is another angle which I am more comfortable with exploring.
Choice connects to the place of desired intention, values and beliefs. I have had a 30 year desired intention to do an ironman. My values and beliefs about running have evolved over the period but the linking her is a bit force. Despite this running is core to my live.
Decision connects to the place of behavior, performance and consequences. You might say that choices are connected to reasons and decisions are connected to causes. The pace of behaviour was training in Sydney and racing in Port Macquarie. Performance was based on the philosophy of complete not compete. The consequence was that when I finished I decided that was to be my first and only Ironman.
Now I am understanding a bit more that effective decision making can only flow from a place of choice.
I had to make conscious effort to free myself from fear and perceived limitations to get there. Thirty years is a long time to get past this.
I needed to open my mind to all possibilities, without feeling restricted. When I was there, nothing seemed like an insurmountable problem, only opportunities for growth. This started in earnest with a second failed qualification (2006) attempt twenty years after my first qualification attempt in 1986.
I felt at the crossroads between feeling fulfilled and aligned with my values. This all came together in the early 2010s of a number of reasons.
Once identified the place of choice can I moved on to the point of decision, where I considered all options and decide what to do – leave, accommodation, gear and training.
I am pretty happy with the progress I have made in my understanding. There is still some way to go.