Chmod Command in Linux | File Permissions in Linux...

Chmod Command in Linux | File Permissions in Linux...

if you unable to read , write and execute the file like this.

How to see the permissions

             ls -l or ls -ltr

  • In Linux 3 types of permissions1. r - read 2. w - write and 3. x - execute
  • Now you have lebels of permissionsu - yourself( current user)g - group in which user belongs too - Othera - all

The first, -rwx denotes as a Owner and ( - indicates regular file and d indicates directory)

The Second, rwx danotes as a group owner with read , write and execute permission.

The Third, rwx danotes as a other users with read , write and execute permission.

How to change permissions

chmod u+r <file_name> (For adding permission)
chmod u-r <file_name> (For removing permission)        
chmod ugo+r <file_name>
chmod ugo+rwx <file_name>        
chmod a+rwx <file_name> (Adding permission for all)        


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