Chip Model Suffix Analysis
Take #SN74LVC1G17DCKR (#SN74LVC1G17DCKT) as an example: In the TI brand, all the models with the suffixes "lower" and "R" can be replaced with each other. T stands for tube, R stands for tape; in special cases, T stands for small package of 250 pieces, and it can also be replaced with R.
Take #IRF9388TRPBF (#IRF9388PBF) as an example: All the suffixes of IR TRPBF and PBF are the same, with TR means tape and reel, without TR means tube.
Take #LTC295OCTS8-2 #TRPBF (LTC2950CT$8-2#PBF) as an example, the suffix of LT, -1, -2, -3, and -4 in the middle section have specific differences, and the last section of TRPBF and PBF is the difference in packaging, with TR means tape, without TR means tube.
Take #PIC16F1508T-I/ML (PIC16F1508-1/ML) as an example: The first half of Microchip’s suffix PIC16F1508T, with T means tape, without T means tube or tray, the middle part - means level, /ML means package , different suffixes represent different levels and packages.
Taking #1N4148WS-7-F (1N4148WS-13-F) as an example: The US-Taiwan sub-stage has the material numbers -7-F and -13-F, and the suffixes indicate different packaging quantities, and 1N4148WS-7-F indicates 3K packs, 1N4148WS-13-F means 10K packs.