David L. O. Hayward (Retd) Management Consultant, Defense Analyst
Associate at D L O Hayward & Associates
The PRC seeks total imperialistic global hegemony on a scale the world has never seen before. Its ultimate ambition transcends all previous empires including the top ten empires listed by percentage of landmass: British (largest non-contiguous:22% of world’s landmass), Mongol (largest contiguous empire in history: 16%), Russia (15%), Spanish (one of the first global empires: (13%), Qing Dynasty (10%), Yuan Dynasty (9%), Umayyad Caliphate (8%), Abbasid Caliphate (7%), Portuguese (first global empire in history and longest lived) and Rashidun Caliphate (6%). Refer to:
Thus China is no stranger to empire building and has previously created more extensive contiguous empires than any other nation in history. The PRC demonstrates a strong understanding of the intricacies of Political Warfare (PW) to effectively totally subjugate alien peoples, cultures, religions and democratic freedoms. At differing times, China has controlled an estimated 16%. 10% and 9% of the world’s landmass respectively. All these empires have applied the dictums of Sun Tzu, documented in the Art of War classic textbook.
That is three large PRC/Mongol’s controlled empires: Mongolia (principal), including China, the Middle East and Turkey (110 million people between 1270 and 1309); Yuan Dynasty, frequented by Marco Polo (60 million people in 1291) and the Qing Dynasty (432 million in 1851).
To sum up, the PRC has achieved, on average, control over at least 10% of the world’s landmass at differing periods in geopolitical history. Today, with the world’s largest estimated 1.35 billion population, China’s empire building task is so much easier and pragmatic. In the extreme, what percentage of the world’s landmass is China actually looking for? Only Xi Jinping can tell us this… The answer could be as much as 60 percent or greater.
“Integral to Xi Jinping’s vision of restoring China to greatness—what he defines as the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” [zhonghua minzu weida fuxing, 中华民族伟大复兴]—is building a more modern, capable, and disciplined military. China’s economic development, territorial integrity, and even the survival of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) itself cannot be guaranteed without an army that can fight and prevail in modern warfare.”
Refer to: Joel Wuthnow and Phillip C. Saunders, Introduction, page 1; Chairman Xi Remakes the PLA - Assessing Chinese Military Reforms; file:///C:/Users/David%20Hayward/Desktop/CHINA%20-Chairman-Xi%20Remakes%20the%20PLA%20-%202019.pdf
Pushing aside the weakened PW-prone western democracies, the relentless PRC Political Warfare machine will ultimately march over the globe creating the largest empire in known history. Militarization will surely follow. The West has no answer to the continued onslaught.
Xi Jinping promulgated a hard-line CCP ideology confronting all western freedoms and values in a secret Directive called Document Number 9 issued in 2013. Refer to:
The PRC wants to achieve all, inspired and lead by the Central Military Commission, the CCP Politburo, State Council, and Ministry of National Defense in Beijing. The overall forward plan is for China to achieve its ultimate dream by 2049 or earlier.
Democracy is doomed.
CAPT David L O Hayward, (Retd), FIDA, FAI (Pet), MACS, MBCS, MBIM, JPDefense Analyst, Management Consultant and Author
Founder: China Research Team Australia