Chinese  Manganese Alloys price dropped nearly to the historical level

Chinese Manganese Alloys price dropped nearly to the historical level

Chinese Silicon Manganese price has dropped nearly to the historical level during the past 4 weeks. Speculators in ZCE pushed up the price of SiMn from 6130yuan to 9786yuan /mt in 2 weeks, and the Mn prices went up from 3.65usd/dmtu to 6.95/dmtu (semi-carbonated Mn from SA), Australian MN ore lumpy went up to usd8.3/dmtu from usd4.9/dmtu : Gabonese Mn ore sky-hiked to 9usd/dmtu for shipment in Aug. Now, Price of Silicon Manganese collapsed to 6270yaun/mt today. and dropped over 35% , the price of MN ore at the spot market also dropped about 20%. Almost all manufacturers of SiMn lose, and traders of Mn ore even lose more.

That up and down deeply hurt the Manganese industry, but the speculators got huge

returns in a short period. for whole supply chain safety, Miners, traders, and customers of Manganese ore should talk about how to make a stable and solid relationship. otherwise, all insiders in this chain will lose more.



