The Chinese High-Speed revolution that's leaving the USA in its tracks.
Photo: Cai Qin

The Chinese High-Speed revolution that's leaving the USA in its tracks.

Country will hit its goal of 30,000 km of track one year ahead of schedule (China Daily)
High Speed 2 In the UK will bring major economic benefits
USA Currently has O km of High Speed rail

China's appetite for high speed rail shows no sign of slowing down. The government has signalled its intent with ambitious plans for further expansion, in an effort to make high speed travel a basic human right. It looks set to complete 30,000 km of track by 2020. a remarkable feat, given that only as recently as 2009, its first High Speed long distance route was launched. Meanwhile, the USA's obsession with autonomous and electric vehicles leads me to believe, they are running the wrong race when it comes to travel. The future of travel surely has to be less individualistic.

In scenes that dominated the English landscape over 150 years ago, the High-Speed network has brought with it timely, efficient, environmentally friendlier travel that is contributing to China's tourism market boom. Not to mention the high-skilled jobs that go with it in engineering, signalling and research and development.

The World Tourism Organisation makes a startling prediction that by 2020, there will be in the region of 137 million people travelling to China internationally, annually.

So what's it like to actually travel on high speed rail in China? Well - incredibly easy! The sheer number of passengers means the regularity of service is exceptional. Trains are modern, clean and seats are spacious. Prices are reasonable: we paid 750 CNY each (around £85) for a return from Hong Kong to Kunming, a distance of nearly 1000 miles each way. Trains have a full optional range of dining facilities. Most city stations are conveniently located within reach of the city centre.

The decision to invest in high-speed rail has been a shrewd and distinctly economically advantageous one. The USA meanwhile and it's first ever route from Sacramento to San Francisco has been plagued by issues of funding and withdrawn support from central government and a President who ultimately doesn't believe in it. It seems that getting people out of their cars, improving their travel experience and quality of life at the same time, is not progressive! There are still too many stakeholders in the automotive industry, with too much to say. There is also the added dimension of air travel - when you consider the USA's skies are filled with over 40,000 flights per day, you can begin to see the stranglehold the aviation industry has on internal travel - and is reluctant to relinquish. Surely however, there is a place for both?

Investment in infrastructure is one of China's many tools it is using, as it looks forward to its global responsibility of being the number one economic power in the next fifty years. Did I just say that? Yes! There is a certain sense of inevitability to it, as it develops a plan to directly challenge its intellectual drain to Silicon Valley with its very own, China's economic juggernaut may have challenging times ahead, but it will prevail. Yet mention it to any Chinese citizen and they will meet you with a humble surprise. With high speed rail has come improved housing stock, an overall upgrade of living standards and an ease of travel for its hundreds of millions of users. Without this investment, the country would surely have ground to a halt in the years ahead.

In the UK, the Eurostar and its passenger record has been nothing short of miraculous. In 2018, around 7 million passengers made the trip under the English Channel, to destinations including Paris, London and its latest addition - Amsterdam. Return tickets to Paris booked in advance represent incredible value - I recently secured them for less than £60-00. High Speed 2 is well under way in the UK and will unlock huge economic development between London and Birmingham. Opponents of HS2 suggest the money would be better spent "patching up" existing lines. Yet the increased demand for travel and limited capacity of the Britain's motorway network surely mean it is a no brainer. As the UK leaves the European Union, it can perhaps look back to look forward again. The second great industrial revolution may be on its way!

It is clear that in High Speed rail, China, along with its founder - Japan, have set a benchmark for the rest of the world to follow. Many already are. It should be praised, not criticised for it's incredibly ambitious approach to solving one of the most critical issues of the next century: travel and its efficiency. It should be commended for investing in its people and their skills. For the total conviction, dedication and ability to follow through projects in incredibly fast time. Perhaps its approach to land ownership is a strength, not a weakness? Whatever your thinking, China is leading the world in many different areas and will only continue to do so. Sometimes, west isn't always best.

Maybe the USA could learn a thing or two. But then again, it already knows everything doesn't it?

Thanks for reading,

Andre Double, Tianjin, June 2019.

The famous Moscow sleeper train.
The Lijiang 'Baba' - Minced pork flat bread cooked over hot coals.
The view across the old town of Lijiang - Yunnan Province.


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