China's Wallet Woes
In this issue of the Peel:
Market Snapshot
Happy Tuesday, apes.
Anybody here? Volume was so light across US markets yesterday that I thought you guys mistook this Monday for Labor Day. Don’t worry; you still get to look forward to your long weekend.
But for now, we can just look fondly back on the day’s return for our equity portfolios. US stocks largely gave JPow’s hawkish tone on Friday another middle finger as equities broadly gained with large cap names leading the way. Breadth came up big on the day, too, with 419 S&P 500 stocks gaining, led by communication and tech names.
Bonds had a bit of a more confusing day to say the least. While the 2-year note rose ever so slightly, the 10-year moved opposite, suggesting the lightest possible rotation into longer-dated assets could be at play.
Let’s get into it.
Affinity Launches Relationship Intelligence for Salesforce Users
Affinity has integrated cutting-edge relationship intelligence into Salesforce. Deep integrations with your email and calendar eliminate the need to create new records or log activity manually. Built-in data enrichment pulls from multiple sources to update your records with the most accurate external data. With AI-enhanced insights, teams can tap into deep relationship data, empowering them to find and close more deals effectively.
Macro Monkey Says
Students of Debt
I hate to be that guy, but hey, don’t shoot the messenger.
Much like Suits, low-rise jeans, and oversized clothing of any kind, student debt repayments are too officially BACK in 2023. Again, hate to ruin your Tuesday already, but don’t hate the player; hate whoever gave 18-year-old you that $100k loan.
"... the Donnie T administration instituted a temporary pause in student loan repayments ..."
On March 13th, 2020, the Donnie T administration instituted a temporary pause in student loan repayments, allowing borrowers to forgo payments as C-19 arrived and seemed ready to kill us all.
From then:
Now, on Friday, September 1st, 2023 (yes, this Friday), interest will begin accruing once again for the 44mn student loan borrowers that collectively owe $1.6tn from sea to shining sea.
Actual payments won’t be due until October, and the exact date will vary, but according to the Department of Education, if you don’t receive some kind of communication updating your due date at least 3 weeks in advance of that date, contact your loan servicer ASAP.
Oh yeah, does anybody use Navient as their servicer, btw? Because they’re no longer in the game, dumping all their servicing contracts to Aidvantage. Does anybody have a direct debit set up before the pandemic? Go reset it - they’ve all been canceled since then.
There’s a lot to be aware of, but with 44mn borrowers and an average balance of $38k, paying attention and being communicative with your servicer will be key.
That might sound like a lot, but keep in mind that 54% of borrowers owe less than $20k, while only ~10% owe a technical “sh*t ton,” defined as $80k or more.
"That might sound like a lot, but keep in mind that 54% of borrowers owe less than $20k, while only ~10% owe a technical “sh*t ton,” defined as $80k or more."
As if consumers weren’t already showing weakness, as indicated by all of last week’s abysmal earnings retail reports, the lack of demand for housing, and more, adding another bill to their plates sure won’t help.
But at the same time, this could be viewed as just another, much more direct, lever of monetary policy tightening (also BACK in 2023). JPow is probably hyped that you’re gonna save even less money than before as the numbers on his inflation chart could be influenced down even further.
It’s basically the opposite of economic stimulus. Instead of giving you free money or lowering barriers to access money, this is the government essentially adding another tax to 44mn fellow Americans. But hey, if you have a degree now, it seems like your “taxation” had plenty of representation. Hope it helps you pay that sh*t off.
Good luck, apes.
What's Ripe
Hawaiian Electric (HE) ↑ 44.62% ↑
Jabil (JBL) ↑ 8.84% ↑
What's Rotten
Novocure (NVCR) ↓ 37.50% ↓
CrowdStrike (CRWD) ↓ 3.71% ↓
Thought Banana
China Check-In
The Great American poet, philosopher, and one-time crack dealer, The Notorious BIG, once famously stated, “mo’ money, mo’ problems.” Well, my $126.17 checking account balance and I couldn’t agree more (obviously).
Hopping over to the other side of the world, “mo’ money, mo’ problems” is playing out in real life. All year, we’ve been watching a gradual yet deep slowdown across the world’s second-largest economy, and now, recent data suggests the biggest fear—a deflationary spiral—could be forming.
It’s early, but it sure does not look good. From China’s decision to stop publishing youth unemployment figures right as they reached an all-time high to the lack of stimulative action taken to support a fledgling and expansive real estate market, consumer confidence is even lower than my checking account balance (probably).
"... consumer confidence is even lower than my checking account balance (probably)."
Just take a look. According to analysis from various banks and others compiled by the FT:
See what we mean? Chinese consumers are showing early signs of delays in spending on big-ticket items, the first sign of a deflationary spiral. It's indicative of a weakened economy where large savings become more valuable than familial love.
It’s also a sign confidence has gotten so low that consumers simply just expect things to be cheaper next month. It’s that kind of thinking that leads to price cuts, leading to delays in purchases, extending price cuts, and I think you get it by now.
"These line items suggest increases in the degree of slowdown for things like real estate and shelter costs ..."
Delays in car purchases, household appliances, and building/decoration materials are all arguably the most concerning. These line items suggest increases in the degree of slowdown for things like real estate and shelter costs, household formation, and, most worrying, big-ticket items.
But this isn’t a China-only problem. As the world’s second-largest economy, intra-economic forces necessarily spill over into the macro environment. Smaller economies, especially with a trade or infrastructure reliance on China, could be set to hurt the worst.
The big question: How and when will China’s economy recover from this slowdown? To what degree will this impact the rest of the world? Are we really about to witness a deflationary spiral in the world’s second-largest economy?
Banana Brain Teaser
Yesterday — On a clock, the big and small hands are exactly between 1 and 2. Both hands lie on top of each other. What time is it?
Answer: 12:00. The hands lie exactly between the 1 and 2 in the number “12”.
Today — What does this mean?
Shoot us your guesses at [email protected].
Wise Investor Says
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin
How would you rate today’s Peel?
Happy Investing,
Patrick & The Daily Peel Team
"Exploring the mystery of our existence and contemplating eternal life leaves us in awe. ?? Albert Einstein once said, 'The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.' Embrace the journey and the questions it brings, for they fuel our growth and understanding. ????"