China’s Public Diplomacy: Main Vectors
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China’s Public Diplomacy: Main Vectors

"In comparison with the state-run diplomacy, public diplomacy (PD) is relatively a new term that emerged during the Cold War."

"The term commonly used in China is 'duiwaixuan' 对外宣 or 'waixuan' 外宣 which means external propaganda and is aimed at advertising China’s achievements and presenting the country’s image worldwide (Lejli, 2011)."

"PD has been viewed as an important vehicle promoting interactions between Chinese culture and other cultures in recent years and particularly since the beginning of the reforms and opening up drive, which has laid solid foundations for China’s PD."

"In its way of conducting worldwide PD, China—as do other countries—uses a variety of instruments as such as the media, internet, events, celebrities, publications, academic areas…"

Full text at: China’s Public Diplomacy: Main Vectors

Abstract: This paper examines China’s public diplomacy components and content in general, discussing some of the main vectors of China’s public diplomacy, cultural and political influence by the way of “soft power”. The paper does not review PRC’s public diplomacy politics toward specific countries or regions. In the 60-plus years since the birth of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, and in the last 3 decades in particular, China’s national strength has grown constantly and its role on the world stage has become more important. In this term, brilliant achievements in the field of diplomacy have been made. But still China faces new tasks and challenges. Because of its development and influence in the world, it is a necessary step for China to take to strengthen its PD (public diplomacy) in both domestic and foreign context.

Keywords: China, Public Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Soft Power

Author: Gor Sargsyan (Yerevan State University of Languages and Social Sciences after V. Bryusov, Armenia)

Published by Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)


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