TaiyangNews - All About Solar is publishing a weekly overview on?#solar?product prices for polysilicon, wafers, cells, modules & solar glass. The data refers to average PV product prices in China, which have been collected by market research firm Gessey PV Consulting. To read the detailed report, please visit:
After several weeks of rest, there’s movement again with module prices – and they went mostly down again, though only for PERC products. There were also price drops for some cells in calendar week 37, while the rest of the products along the solar module value chain – polysilicon, solar wafers and solar glass – kept their average price levels from the previous week.
There was no movement for any silicon variety in CW37, after silicon prices trended upwards over the weeks prior.
The pause for solar wafers continued from the previous week for all products listed, after it showed slight upwards tendencies the weeks before CW36.
No changes can be seen again for average solar cell prices of 210 PERC cells and TOPCon products, while the PERC M10 variety is slightly down by -1.3%.
After several weeks of inactivity in a row, average solar module prices for PERC modules in China dropped by -1.2% in CW37, unlike TOPCon, which remained stable.
Solar glass varieties listed are back to their several-week-long inertia after they had made sudden jumps upward in CW35 – the thicker one by 9.8% (3.2 mm), the thinner product by 8.1% (2.0 mm).
On a year-to-date basis, the products in all but one categories of this index cost less in CW37 – the least price drops can be seen for thin glass, M10 wafers and all cells listed, which are all down by single digits, while all modules are down over 30% YtD and the largest price drop is for Chinese polysilicon of up to 62%. Only 3.2 mm glass costs more (1.8%) than at the beginning of the year.
Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee reliability, accuracy or completeness of this price index’ content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.
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