China Pulse, Mediatek (2454 TT), Lasertec (6920 JT), Asian e-Commerce, SingTel (ST SP)

China Pulse, Mediatek (2454 TT), Lasertec (6920 JT), Asian e-Commerce, SingTel (ST SP)

'Scooters' -

The Five at Five newsletter is published every Friday and pulls together 5 showcase notes produced over the last 7 days from across the Alētheia Capital platform.

This week...

China Strategist Vincent Chan 's new product - China Pulse - kicks things off!

Watch out for this each Monday for a focus on what to expect in the week ahead PLUS analysis of the latest data releases from the #PRC.

China Strategy - China Pulse - Beware the Deflationary Growth

We have expanded our technology hardware team and have recently welcomed Angus Lin to #Alētheia.

This week Angus provides a fresh update on 联发科技 (2454 TT).

How does the company's business model stack up versus 高通 (QCOM US)?

Technology Hardware - Mediatek (2454) - Same Old, Same Old

Sticking to #TechnologyHardware.

Warren Lau's call on レーザーテック株式会社 (6920 JT) has driven multiple returns since his initiation in 2017.

In this note Warren provides an update on the order book... an important bell-weather.

Technology Hardware - Lasertec (6920 JT) - A Prolonged Recovery

The China New Economy team under Eric Wen take a look at the ongoing consolidation in the #eCommerce sector in Asia and identifies winners and losers.

China New Economy - Barbarians at the Gate

We wrap things up with APAC Telecoms.

With the sum-of-the-parts discount for Singtel (ST SP) at at an all-time high Chris Hoare explores what could narrow the gap.

APAC Telecom - Singapore Telecom (ST SP) - SOTP Discount

Please check out our website for details of the rest of all our #products, #research, #events, and more!

That's it for this week.

As ever, if you would like to follow up on any or all of the above, please do get in touch!

Product Marketing Team

Ali Naqvi Richard Wallace Felix Rusli Graeme Bateman Dhananjay Mahurkar Michael Chambers Albert Park Terrence M. Alford

#investments #advisory #ideas #FinTech #InYourCorner


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