James Stuart
AI STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP- no longer in London. Promoting organisational efficiency and transformation to drive sustainable benefits - overcoming the costly disasters of programme failure. Understanding the future.
? Over the last several months, in fact over the last several years much has been said about China and the apparent Chinese antagonism towards the west.
?????????? While it is true, surveillance across Chinese society can be classed as extreme; while it is true there is oppression of specific ethnic minorities; while it is true Chinese hackers actively search for secrets and important IP; while it is true there is an alarming increase in Chinese demands upon neighbouring territorial rights; it is also true the West is far from perfect and the level of insidious global corporatism may be viewed by some as just as much of a threat to freedom as the Chinese state.
?????????? But what is China?
?????????? To many decision makers in the West, China is enigmatic, a mystery that cannot be understood. Partially because of this it is classed as a risk. And so the decision makers of the West make decisions based on fragmented knowledge, creating errors of judgement that perpetuates the myths surrounding China.
China is a perceived risk because it conducts activities in a way which is logical to China yet is different to how we do things in the West. This is viewed by the west in terms of uncertainty and as we all know, humans, regardless of culture, are genetically hardwired to view uncertainty as a threat.
?????????? Sometimes risk is real yet sometimes it is only perceived to be real - and is always useful to sell newspapers or control through manufactured fear. We are indeed far from perfect.
?????????? So, exactly what is China?
?????????? To understand what China is today, one must understand what China was yesterday and extrapolate to what China will be tomorrow.
?????????? China is an empire. Whether the Chinese government agrees with this or not is irrelevant, it is still an empire. All empires require strong central control because otherwise there is often extreme conflict within the confines of the empire. History teaches us that when China was devoid of strong central control there was constant civil war and the needless slaughter of countless millions as warring parties fought for control.
?????????? This tsunami of civil war and conflict ravaged the entirety of China for centuries so that indeed it became the “bitter sea”. In some regions the population was slaughtered into oblivion as the ancient civilization was virtually destroyed. Without strong central control there is a very real danger of history repeating itself, this time on a massive scale completely unimaginable. The Chinese government understands this.
?????????? When you look at Chinese society today you will not see the scars of past warfare, yet the scars remain beneath the surface and they guide China into many of the actions of today as a means of self protection. Indeed the Chinese psyche is haunted by demons, yet aren't we all? Because of this we should be able to understand how the actions of the past quite often rise from the depths to sculpt our behavior and our perceptions.
?????????? We can't help it. It's a part of what makes us human - and fearful or not, we are all human and we all live under the same sun. We have more in common than we have which divides us. The resilience and the survivability of a people that has gone through so much prolonged trauma, is indeed a worthy but painful testament to human nature, that which should be congratulated and not viewed as a risk.
?????????? Yes of course there are some things the Chinese government can do differently and better, just as there are some things western governments can do differently and better. We know this to be true. We understand there is much we can learn from one another and in doing so increase our chances of a wider survivability in this era of great change.
?????????? Therefore, what is China? China is an opportunity. China is a land of natural ingenuity, of incredible resourcefulness and vision. The West is a powerhouse of progress. It is not intelligent of either of us to squander finite resources upon perceived threats just because we do things differently from one another, just because we do not understand one another. By squandering our finite resources we so diminish our opportunities for the future and the world we leave our children. And yet … and yet … think of what may be achieved when we can work together to overcome and to accept our differences to secure a more stable future because after all, we all live under the same sun.