“China has become more liberal than many Western countries”: my in-depth interview in Guangming Daily.
Philippe D. Monnier
Entrepreneur / Board Director / Interviewer of Business & Political Leaders / Event Organizer
I was interviewed by Guangming Daily (光明日报), a leading Chinese media, about the captioned topic.
Among many statements, I brought to the fore that:
- In many ways, China’s economy has become -- de facto -- more liberal and more internationally open than the economies of Western Europe and of the United States. Recently, with President Trump and his “America First” policy, the USA has become even more protectionist.
- Against that backdrop, China is naturally emerging as the leader of the nations that value economic liberalism and international openness.
- It was interesting to observe the reactions of the world to the OBOR initiative. Fifteen years ago, it would have been impossible for China to take the lead of such an initiative. But now we could say that only China has the credibility to lead such a global project endeavor.