China first
Dear readers,
Today, January 20, our eyes will be focused on the USA with the inauguration of new/old President Donald Trump. So why have we used “China first” as today’s title?
Because on Friday we as a Hydrogen Moves GmbH network are directing our Hydrogen gaze toward China! For many years, it’s been home to a significant (!) share of the world’s H2 value creation. However, the country is still difficult for many people to comprehend. How can we help you to better understand this global power and its ambitions? The answer: with facts, figures and the insight of an expert. Together we’ll help you make sense of the Five-Year Plan, Made in China 2025, the Development Plan for the Hydrogen Energy Industry 2021 – 2035 and look at the implications of classifying H2 as an energy resource in China. The webinar will conclude with an exclusive overview of Hydrogen projects and their development in China.
From China to France. Have you already booked your ticket to Hyvolution in Paris from January 28 – 30, 2025? On January 29, I’m moderating some fantastic panel discussions on H2 industry ramp-up and multi-modal mobility hubs. The exhibition is fully booked – come and take a look around: GET YOUR TICKET HERE
Plus, save yourself huge amounts of time with our other country webinars where you’ll get concise, high-quality overviews of Australia, Canada and the UK. Registration links:
Before we reach Canada, though, we’ll be setting our sights on Germany: Make the most of Germany’s Hydrogen Week (WOCHE DES WASSERSTOFFS) from June 21 – 29! We’ll again be showing you how Hydrogen value creation works in practice in workplaces, in labs and in production halls – it’s open to all! Order a sales package from us and get 20% off your booking for Hydrogen Week (#WDW). Essential marketing for 2025? CHECK.
Let’s keep Hydrogen moving,
Silke Frank
PS: GERMAN WEBINAR SERIES: “Hochvolt und Wasserstoff: Basiswissen für Ersthelfer” (High Voltage and Hydrogen: Basics for First Responders) on February 13 at 19:00 CET. Make a note of the date and time and you’ll get the link shortly. Fire safety expert Christian Machens (Efficientics) and HV/H2 trainer Robert Kiessling from the Paul Academy (Paul Group) will provide insights into the particularities of Hydrogen. You’ll come away with valuable tips on safe handling and self-protection.
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