China Education Is A Road To The Future

China Education Is A Road To The Future

From the earliest steps in a child’s growth, education is the focal point in China.?Mothers dutifully teach their children the basic from the first days.?Chinese kindergarten students are learning English as the learn Chinese.?Elementary school classes are taught with a singular focus on achieving the needs required for university.?It is a long road but a road worth taking, as the Chinese will say.

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In the past ten years, 240 million Chinese have received higher education as a result of the country's historic strides in education development. ?

Today, approximately 44.3 million students are attending colleges and universities in China, making it home to the largest higher education system in the world.

The higher education enrollment rate reached 57.8 % of eligible students, up 27.8 % from 2012.

On average, students who have recently joined the labor force have received over 13.8 years of education.?China has an increasing number of world-class universities offering international standards in many studies. In the past 10 years, many universities have established cooperation and exchanges with world-renowned universities, and Chinese universities have exchanges with more than 200 global universities.

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?The educational system in China is a major vehicle for both instilling values in and teaching needed skills to its people. Traditional Chinese?culture?attached great importance to education as a means of?enhancing?a person’s worth and career. In the early 1950s China worked hard to increase the?country’s?rate of literacy, an effort that won them considerable support from the population. By the end of that decade, however, the government could no longer provide jobs adequate to meet the expectations of those who had acquired some formal schooling. Other pressing priorities squeezed educational budgets, and the anti-intellectualism?inherent?in the more-radical mass campaign periods affected the status and quality of the educational effort.

These conflicting pressures made educational policy a sensitive barometer of larger political trends and priorities. The shift to rapid and?pragmatic?economic development as the overriding national goal in the late 1970s quickly affected China’s educational system.

The Chinese educational structure provides for six years of?primary school, three years each of lower secondary school and upper secondary school, and four years in the standard?university?curriculum. All urban schools are financed by the state, while rural schools depend more heavily on their own financial resources. Official policy stresses scholastic achievement, with particular emphasis on the natural sciences. A significant effort is made to?enhance?vocational training opportunities for students who do not attend a?university. The quality of education available in the cities generally has been higher than that in the countryside, although considerable effort has been made to increase enrollment in rural areas at all education levels.

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The traditional trend in Chinese education was toward fewer students and higher scholastic standards, resulting in a steeply hierarchical educational system. Greater enrollment at all levels, particularly outside the cities, is gradually reversing that trend.

Primary-school enrollment is now virtually universal, and nearly all of those students receive some secondary education; about one-third of lower-secondary graduates enroll in upper-secondary schools. The number of university students is increasing rapidly, though it still?constitutes?only a small fraction of those receiving?primary education.

For the overwhelming majority of students, admission to a university since 1977 has been based on competitive nationwide examinations, and attendance at a university is usually paid for by the government.

The system that developed in the 1950s of setting up “key” urban schools that were given the best teachers, equipment, and students was reestablished in the late 1970s. The inherently elitist values of such a system put enormous pressure on secondary-school administrators to improve the rate at which their graduates passed tests for admission into universities. In addition, dozens of elite private schools have been established since the early 1990s in China’s major cities.

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Six universities, all administered directly by the Ministry of Education in Beijing, are the flagships of the Chinese higher educational system. Three are located in Beijing:?Peking University?(Beijing Daxue), the leading nontechnical institution;?Tsinghua?(Qinghua) University, which is oriented primarily toward science and engineering; and?People’s University of China, the only one of the six founded after 1949. The three outside Beijing are?Nankai University in?Tianjin, which is especially strong in the social sciences;?Fudan University, a?comprehensive?institution in?Shanghai; and?Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University in?Guangzhou?(Canton), the principal university of South China. In addition, every province has a key provincial university, and there are hundreds of other technical and comprehensive higher educational institutions in locations around the country. The University of?Hong Kong?(founded 1911) is the oldest school in Hong Kong.

International education at higher levels continues to be a strong aspiration for many students, both in terms of experience a different style of education and opportunities for employment and life abroad. ?Although conditions make applications challenging, the desire remains strong and will continue in the foreseeable future.

From Shanghai – stay well, be creative and prosper.

Alexander Glos


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