Children's Stories and Fairy Tales
The Moment Time Stands Still
A whisper of life is breathed by God into every man.
It leaves only by God's command.
Satan has tried so many times
To steal our souls and cut the silver cord that with Jesus binds.
When a parent loses a child regardless of the age
It rips through the heart, spirit and the immortal soul.
The memory of that will distance itself for a season of time.
Yet the memory of that piece of clay never totally subsides.
It doesn't matter if a person is young like Josh and in the prime of his life.
It doesn't matter if the body is aged and full of worldliness or strife.
That immortal silver cord holds fast and sure
Even if the mind cannot function and doctors have no cure.
I held the tiny hand of Josh's when he came into this world.
It was a life through his mother God miraculously hurled.
I kissed his little cheeks a million times I guess
Always teaching him how to win over Satan's test.
As he grew older he accepted Jesus as his Savior and Lord.
Test after test Satan used to wear him down.
He didn't want Josh to wear a robe and a crown.
But Glory Hallelujah God never lets His children down.
Josh won this last test even though it took his life
His body took blow after blow as Satan wreaked his mind with pain and strife.
"Enough!" God shouted as He reached down and took hold of His child.
As Josh drew his last breath God's angels grasp his spirit and to heaven instantly soared.
Josh knew the silver cord would never break as long as Jesus held it in His hand.
When he took his last breath heaven's gates swung opened wide.
Right now beside the Master in heaven Joshua Cato eternally resides.
The?silver cord held only because Josh's feet had been planted in Jesus years ago
Written by Sybil Shearin < Josh is my grandson who is now in heaven.
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