CHILDREN'S DAY: “Life, cultural unity and social friendship since childhood”.
Divino Roberto Veríssimo
Presidente na OPA - Organiza??o pela Preserv\??o Ambiental
The issues related to the life, cultural unity and social friendship of all peoples and their children have always been in my actions, articles or speeches. I have been dedicated to these issues since ECO 92.
In this article, I express to you my observations and my solicitation for care with infance in a broader context than the context of comprehensive children protection - the protection of the child against all forms of neglect, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty and oppression.
I am referring to the context of the care of creation and the effectiveness of children's coexistence with the realization, communion and respect for the rights, duties and dignity of the human person in all their ages and situations of life, from their birth.
In this sense, I and members of the OPA (Organization for Environmental Preservation) and the Child Brazil in the Millennium Conference (CCBM), launched with children the first Global Compact for Childhood Citizenship in a special session of the Federal Senate of Brazil.
What we seek with this pact, with the children's conferences and this article is "making it happen" opportunities and environments for social life for children, which guarantee to them a proper balance in the exercise of understending and respect for human rights as persons and it the obtention of physical, mental, moral, spiritual and social development in a condition of freedom, dignity and security, in the presence or absence of the fear, force and power of any kind - including autorities, diseases, errors and life pressure, accidents and deaths.
As Pope Francis said in his new Encyclical “FRATELLI TUTTI”: No one can face life in isolation (…); we need a community that supports us, that helps us and within which we help each other to look ahead. How important it is to dream together! (…) Alone, you run the risk of having mirages, seeing what doesn't exist; dreams are built together ?. Let us dream as a single humanity, as walkers of the same human flesh, as children of this same land that shelters us all, each with the richness of his faith or convictions, each with his own voice, but all as brothers.
Within the idea of the organization of civilizations on the construction of a cultural common unity at all levels - starting from childhood and involving current and next generations - , it should be pointed this these words of Pope Francis in particular:
In a broader perspective, Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb recalled that “the relationship between East and West is an indisputable mutual need, which cannot be switched or transcended, so that both can enrich each other with the other's civilization through exchange and dialogue of cultures. The West could find remedies in the civilization of the East for some of its spiritual and religious diseases caused by the dominance of materialism. And the East could find in the civilization of the West so many elements that can help it to save itself from fragility, division, conflict and scientific, technical and cultural decline ... a people (I mean, of child and adult people) it will bear fruit and be able to generate tomorrow only insofar as it gives life to relationships of belonging among its members, insofar as it creates ties of integration between generations and the different communities that compose it, and even insofar as it breaks the spirals that obscure, that obscure it senses, always distancing us from each other.
I tell you friends: Tomorrow is not generated only by adults, teachers, scientists, economists and wealthy people. It is generated by the whole lifecycle of the Earth and human.
My observation
On CHILDREN'S DAY celebration this year of 2020, what we have for our children and others is not just a party. It is not gifts or beautiful words and benefits of money and power.
What we have to give is the care of creation in the sense described above. That is why we launched with the children, the solicitation for the Global Compact for Citizenship of Children, ratified by the Federal Senate of Brazil. This is our gift to them. Make and legitimate this pact with your signature and promotion.
Because today children are being transformed from national, international or world citizens into products from the economic, financial, technological, political and labor world of industry, the market and terrorism. A product of life, art and the human intelligence, been launched onto the market for profit and competition. This is not how we want to see our children and the children of our brothers, sisters, friends or even hostile adversaries.
As noted in another context by Pope Francis, this action is part of a form of industrial economic-financial colonization. An action used by the global economy to impose a unique cultural model, sustainable by competition, profit and the market.
Our childrens. the childrn from all over the planet cannot be colonized economically - as the dominante economy sistem want. But we hqave a finance maket advancing in these dir3ction through methods of dissemination of prizes per category, service and competition in the global wealth and status demand - the two power sources of industrial culture associated with the militar sistem and legaljudicial framework .
So, I say to you:
The use of children as an industrial product (non-family, non-social and with no environmental relationship between them) is the greatest risk of life for all nations, organizations, communities, families, human and environmental generations on the planet in its unity and diversity (No matter what type: military, religious, governamental or not governamental, etc.)
Within the context of the current international rule of law, it is the responsibility of parents, families, relatives, teachers, teachers, schools, communities, religions and governments to reverse this process - and this reversal is not done through protection. Is done through through the social formation of children.
Objective data
In the current scenario of biological, economic, political and military war for world domination, related to COVID 19, what is very visible is this:
The confinement of children with isolation between them and their parents, isolation from grandparents and grandparents, submission to the forces of fear and distrust; contact restrictions, restrictions on physical experiences and face-to-face social interactions with friends, teachers, people and communities, etc.
In an article related to the analysis of children's confinement, Daniella Grinbergas presents this opinion and observation by Mr. Guilherme Polanczyk, professor of psychiatry of childhood and adolescence at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of S?o Paulo. "There's no way. Regardless of age, confinement will somehow impact the lives of all children "... And he clarifies:" the reflexes of these restrictions are agitation, irritability, changes in sleep ... ".
This is a fact. But, in fact, these reflexes go far beyond that, if you looking at this specific question:
The relation of the confinement of children and families with the perspective of social, educational and leisure relationships of children at a distance and without alliance with their cultures of origin and development.
This process that today envolve the COVID 19 is a clear economic policy to control these relationships. A slow process that involvesby distancing affinities and the non-economic and non-financial moral and cultural order of the children and persons. It means: the economic control of children maintained only under the domain of market supply and demand, profit and competition - in scientific research, arts and children's intelligence, commerce, work and industrial social care.
Two more factors are added to this scenario:
1. From the perspective of WHO ICD 11 - the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems - as well as of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), we have these data on the childrens state of life, face of relative risks of damages caused by the confining their education and social relationship to digital activities and exclusive paternal / maternal relationships:
problems with the proliferation of damages caused for online games and applications intended for the mental manipulation of children and its fun; problems such as increased sleep disorders, impulsivity, anxiety, depression, aggression, violence and other physical disorders.
2. In my perspective as a social observer, relationship problems with children and adults parents, mothers and family members from natural cultures. People of all ages who live outside the digital, technological reach and economic status. Problems with increased fragmentation, ignorance and lack of respect for environmental life and by non-industrial communities ... where children, people and families are seen as merely the object of protection, guardianship, legal representation and surveillance by the State - the vulnerable subject, with or without family. Problems with the flow of information, feelings, submission and exploitation of fear and human malaise, which elements as Covid-19 promote.
Within this context, SBP launched important recommendations / requests to parents, such as:
1. Living of children together with children and adolescents, not with robots and algorithms;
2. To avoid exposing children under two years of age to screens, even if passively;
3. Do not allow children and adolescents to be alone in rooms with a television, computer, tablet, cell phone, smartphone or using a webcam;
4. Do not allow, at any age during childhood and adolescence, the use of screens during meals;
5. Disconnect the child and adolescent from the Internet, one to two hours before bed;
In view of these exhibitions, I ask only the following from parents, families, relatives, communities, states and governments in the world:
In all circumstances of life, fear and insecurity, do not rule out family, community and exchange of experiences and knowledge of your children. Do not allow children's interpersonal relationships to be paralyzed by fear, insecurity and overprotection related to a phantom enemy circulating within the whole of life - time, people, air, relationships, contacts.
I end this article by repeating these words of Pope Francis:
(…) With force, deception, physical or psychological coercion, the human person - created in the image and likeness of God - is deprived of freedom, commercialized, reduced to someone's property; it is treated as a means, not as an end ”.
Watch your fears and care for the well-being of life in the presence or absence of disease and enemies.
With love, peace and light.
Divino Roberto Veríssimo