Children without Dad's are successful
Belinda Fernandez
Ambassador for Canada. Zimbabwe war child survivor. Interviewed live on Newsnight Canada. Highly recommended Executive Assistant / HR Leader/Retreat Director. Open to global relocation.
For all my friends children who grow up without a Dad or a Mum, I hope you find the strength to fight. To fight for your dreams, your hopes, your ideals. I hope you have a strong and loving group of people around you even if they are far away, and can only stay in touch by phone or internet. I am so proud of my brother for standing my me through so many challenges, believing in me as I do in him. It is not easy to live without a parent. Nor do I expect those who have both parents to understand how hard it is. In time you adjust, you take life one day at a time. I am proud of the people we are because the stereo type presented is that children without Dad's or Mum's are troublemakers, become drunks, become homeless and cannot hold jobs. I want you to know it is not true. I want you to have faith and when you are alone, to know that Jesus is with you. I hope most of all that you are given and taught to pray, to stay close to Jesus and to know your life is a gift. If you look at me today, I do not have the same look, the same light in my eyes I once had. But I have something deeper, something no one can take away. An education not many can say they achieved against all odds, as a visible minority in Canada in executive programs at a leading Business School - Rotman, from Wits University the top school in South Africa and I have gifts of courage, fortitude and strength in my faith. I have had an impact in Canada and won a Canada 150 award recognized by an MP Michael Levitt and Justin Trudeau who valued me. I have done many things, traveled some. This is a time of COVID. A time when more than ever we know life can be taken away at any time. If I die, I want my ashes with my Dad in Zimbabwe. Under the African sky. Be strong, be brave and fight for your human rights. If you do not, they will take them away. For all my high school friends who stood with me through the years, we share memories that no one can take away. Some of you are now family including Meena Mangabhai and Jayraj Laxman. We had good times, we had bad. People never thought we would get to where we are but look at us. We have come so far. Just some evening reflections. I am proud of Wits - University of the Witwatersrand just as they are of me. Stand tall in the sunshine and if you have to, go alone with pride. What my brother Savio Fernandez did for me by loving me through the lowest points I will never forget, as I did for him. We may not win the war, but we will leave a mark on history knowing we did all we could for our families and our loved ones, our friends and our country. Each night my Dad would lift me up to kiss my Elvis poster goodnight. Jesus got our love at the Angelus and when I prayed today, I joked with Elvis today maybe I should start doing it again. Find your strength against psychiatrists, to trust in natural medicine and healing. Listen to the wisdom handed down through generations and most of all get busy living or get busy dying. There is no in between. I sent a message to U. Cyril to say thank you for fighting in the war and in my prayers thanked my Dad and Papa too. Sometimes we lose and God loses the battle but in the end God will win the war. Because our Lord is a God of love. And love heals.