Children in Need
Rudolf Burkhard
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In my country, Switzerland, we have 5’000 children with a life-limiting disease. If that is the number in a rich country with a population below 9 million what is the global number? Life-limiting means they are unlikely to have a long life and that they will never be able to play and run with other children.
The purpose of this post is to ask you to contribute to charitable organisations that look after and support these children.
I don’t know what these organisations need but time, physical goods and money are surely all welcome.
My grandniece Mathilda is afflicted with such a disease from which she cannot recover. She does have a supportive family and despite everything, she is a happy little girl. My sister is very fond of Mathilda. She regularly goes to play with her and takes her to physiotherapy and medical check-ups. During these times with Mathilda, my sister sees many other children and their parents dealing with the same problems.
Susan’s experience has led her to ask for support. Not for Mathilda and Mathilda’s family. She asks you to support Switzerland’s first hospice for these children. It will open in 2023.
The allani foundation[1], with the help of the catholic church and the Heinz-Sch?ffler foundation, has bought a large old farmhouse to be converted for children and the people that care for them It is a drop in the bucket, but a start.
Please give generously to the allani foundation. They need funds to invest in equipment and toys and they need money for ongoing expenses. If you are in Switzerland, please contribute. If you live in another country, you can also contribute, or look for a similar organisation to support.
Thank you
Donations should go directly to:
Stiftung allani Kinderhospiz Bern,
Riedbachstrasse 348
3020 Bern
Or by e-banking to:
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN: CH34 0023 5235 2460 1340 D
Stiftung allani Kinderhospiz Bern,
3020 Bern
[1] The webpage is in German