Children Having Fun When Adults Aren't Looking
Don't know what to post? Go to the supermarket. Having your groceries delivered does not cultivate ideas. They may replace the sale items requested with comparable items at retail you did not request.
Go to the store. It's just me. I understand if families have groceries delivered. In the produce section were two boys having fun with an eggplant. One realized how well it fit in his hand. He carried it like a football.
If you don't have fun in childhood, when will you? He did not actually throw it and had more fun acting like he would. I looked at him and said "As long as you don't spike it in the end zone."
Which led his mother to give me a blank stare. She was probably closer in age even though she looked older. The boys had a fun moment that I happened to notice.
Usually it is not fun going to the store with your mother. We have all been there. While the parent is probably closer in age than the children; I took their side. They weren't in anyone's way.
Some parents are overcautious. Others let their children run roughshod. Find middle ground. I see a lot of children playing. Lest you think they were all on devices.
Playing frisbee with my sister's son- he created rules in the moment and kept score. it's amazing how children create their own games. His game meant I lost points when I had to chase his errant throw into the street.
Growing up with the perception "Adults are right and children don't know what they are doing" is not how I do business. Adults can make mistakes just like children. Professionals can be wrong or misguided. Children aren't always right. It's fun when they enjoy themselves in the moment. Do adults enjoy themselves in the moment? Not nearly enough.