Children grow up: Protection services

Children grow up: Protection services

There is so much information on the positive sides of life. This includes vital aspects that form part of our foundation in childhood that remain throughout the rest of our lives. Whilst it is good to focus on the positive side of life, having knowledge of the negative is a part of the dynamics of balance. No bird or plane flies long distance at the same altitude.

I strongly resonate with the words of Pastor Steven Furtick saying “When God puts something significant in me, the enemy sends something significant after me. You should have known the moment that the oil hit your head that this was not gonna be easy. You should have known the moment that you survived the car accident that there’s a reason the devil tried to end my life right there. There is something ahead of me that is so great it makes the devil afraid. And that is the reason I run, because I figure if the enemy sent something against me in this season to try to get me to abandon it, there must be something ahead of me that is absolutely amazing. It’s amazing what’s ahead of you Man!”

At the age of three, over 30 years ago, I remember a strange man walking past my neighbourhood pre-school. Whilst in class, on a sunny day, I was drawn to look outside the school gate as if something was coming. A few moments later, I saw an upright shadow figure from one end of the open steel gate appear that stood to watch inside of the school. It suddenly became cloudy and I felt a darkness with a drop in temperature despite being indoors. This figure noticed my observationary position and proceeded to walk away. But, before disappearing past the other end of the gate, I was able to see the man behind the shadow figure and the smirk on his face. Once that strange encounter passed, my day went back to normal but still not quite the same.

That night I had a nightmare of an unusual event at school. It shook me to the core enough to make me not want to return back to the school premises. The next day, I stood up to my parents, in the best way I could as a three-year-old, on my decision. Sure enough, I moved to a new school and life continued.

Things went well for the most part at my new pre-school much like at my first school. I had more friends of different nationalities. And, I encountered a different form of #discipline. There was a dimly lit empty room with blue walls we called the naughty room. My first time in the room was rough; I was forced to face the demons from my strange encounter and nightmare. On my second and last time in the room I was able to overcome the traumatic experiences. Sometimes our natural reaction to trauma is to run away from it. However, there will be times where we will be forced to face it in order to receive the #healing we need to move forward with a better understanding.

At the age of seven years old, whilst playing house with my little girlfriends outside of my yard, that strange man appeared again and I immediately recognised his aura and face. He proceeded to call one of my friends to go with him to go buy sweets at a tuck shop distant from our location. When she stood up, I put my foot down as Mum in our play-house that day. I told my friend that we don’t know that man and if she went with him, I would tell all the children in our neighbourhood to not play with her. She listened and sat back down with the rest of us. Natural gifts also go through development.

They say that you should have your house in order before you try to fix another’s house. I turned my focus from my play-house to the strange man. I switched on my Brave Heart from the Care Bears and put on the Full Armour of God I learnt about in my Sunday school bible teachings at Open Baptist Church. Dressed in fearless authority, I told the man that I do not want to see him again and that if I did, I would tell all the parents in the neighbourhood and beyond. He gave me the same smirk as the first encounter but I was not moved this time. I saw fear take over his face before he walked away from us and I never physically saw him again. There will be times that require us to be fearless and courageous (2 Timothy 1:7).

Around the same time period, I had another personal experience of the topic in relation to extended family matters. My whole family had gone out of town and I was left to be babysat by a teenage male cousin for a night. I know the uncomfortable and scary feelings of having a foreign hand brush down your leg. By the #Grace of God, I instantly took those actions from him as a prompt to use the excuse of going to the bathroom as an opportunity to go hide out somewhere in the house for the rest of the full moon night. I only came out when my family arrived the next morning. Though sleep-deprived, I went from being relieved to making the tough decision to report my cousin to my parents enough to extremely limit family relations as a preventative measure yet not result in him spending his life in prison. Family relations may be complex, but as #parents let us take heed when our children are uncomfortable around certain family members and friends, when they do not want to sit on the laps of adults, when they report to us, and who we accept to assist us. I was able to heal from the experience and again, life continued.

My early teen years, from over 20 years ago, came with their own challenges. On one hand, whilst at a cross-border christian camp, a fellow Motswana camper opened up to tell me that her biological father had been taking her innocence from the age of seven years old. Her parents were separated and her mother needed her father’s child support payments. On the other hand, back at home in Botswana, I found out that two of my young teenage friends were married off to much older men as part of their culture and religion. The specific religious/cultural group in question somehow still operates above the law to this day. The only thing I could do for my friends, feeling helpless, was use my understanding from tv series Yizo Yizo and Soul City to support them in reporting the matters to the adults. Life has been so unkind to many people.

In my 20s, from 10 years ago, I applied my increased capabilities to be part of initiatives that brought #awareness and more solutions concerning the reduction of #abuse. To mention a few: as a #NelsonMandelaUniversity student, being part of the #BlackManagementForum society we marched in Walk along other university societies and as part of #GoldenKeyInternationalHonourSociety we collected signatures for a Pledge. As part of the Phenomenal African Women Organisation, we ran a daily #campaign for a year, supported a Walk along other organisations in Botswana and we went on the Gabz fm national #radio station; where I also shared the wholistic perspective connecting the systems and achievable singular improvements that needed to be made in the treatment of abuse matters at government entity level. Indeed the work of many, standing in unity and solidarity, is making our world a better place.

Today, we can finally see the improved collaboration and effectiveness of support services, health, police, and justice #systems on abuse matters. Remember the strange man from over 30 years ago? He went onto live a long life inflicting abuse of catastrophic proportion. He was finally arrested and quickly convicted, sentenced to death and buried a few years ago. Justice forms a part of Healing.

To the organisations that are doing their best against all odds to support our communities beyond the scope of #business, thank you. To the professionals living in their #purpose to do the good work in our systems, thank you. To families and communities that have taken a firm support stand contrary to culture and beliefs, thank you. To individuals on their healing journey, sometimes without apologies for closure, thank you for getting up everyday to take back your #power.

Someone once shared that some life events expose us to our stronger self. Another also shared that we cannot change what we do not acknowledge. Abuse crimes do not discriminate, therefore it requires the genuine participation of all of us. May this article encourage you to keep doing good and moving forward. Whether we are picking back up or fixing our crowns, let us remember that we are never alone and that indeed we have support. Remember Isaiah 46:4 that says “I will be your God throughout your lifetime - until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you”.


Keabetswe Lianna Koorapetse, CFP?, AIISA, MAgriCom的更多文章

