Children of the Day
“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”
John 3:19
This verse comes to mind when I listen to the news first thing in the morning.
It always seems to me that crime is more prevalent in the overnight hours when evil things can be done under the ‘cover of darkness’.
People who would not normally do what they do in broad daylight are somehow emboldened to choose the wee hours of the morning and the shadowy hours through the night to break the law.
They are aware that what they are doing is wrong and that is why it is not done in the daylight. They seek the cover of darkness not just as an aid to their crime but also as a way (or so they think) to cover their shame.
As believers who are ‘born from above’ we are to be in stark contrast to the darkness in the world. We are called, by Jesus, the Light of the World.
We are to love righteousness and the things that pertain to life and godliness.
That is why the epistle writer calls us ‘peculiar people’.
We are to be Children of the day and ‘peculiar’ in our desire not just for light but to be light in a very darkened world!