Julian Burnside - Comments and Thoughts on Australia's Refugee Developments
Amnesty International NSW Legal Network
NSW Legal Network at Amnesty International Australia
In this sweeping article, one of Australia most influential lawyers Julian Burnside discuss his changing views on our approach to refugees and human rights. He explores the Tampa case, our changing value system, and asks; "How did we get here?" Drawing on international reports as well as his own reflections, Mr Burnside adds his own voice to the growing discontentment with Australia's stance on refugees and human rights in this area.
Here is the link to the text: What sort of country are we?
This piece is based on the 2015 Hamer Oration, delivered by Julian Burnside on September 28, 2015.
Disclaimer: Amnesty does not adopt any political views expressed in this article. This has been posted to strengthen a legal and moral understanding of recent developments in Australia.