Children Climate Summit
This past week on 1st & 2nd September 2023 @mtotonews took part in organising and executing the children climate summit held in Nairobi as a pre summit event to the #AfricaClimateSummit.
The #ChildrenClimateSummit brought together over 250 children from different walks of Africa to discuss the effects climate change has brought to their lives and families.
The evidence children provided was saddening as some of them have experienced their peers being married of to older men for their families survival.
Children also added that they are prone to waterborne diseases caused by floods and abuse in care homesteads where they expect to get protection and shelter.
In instances where children experience extreme heat levels, they sighted that some children get heat rushes causing harm to their skin and for girls changes in climate often affect their menstrual cycle by accelerating hormonal imbalance.
It was a breathtaking moment as children openly shared their experiences and also took part in an artivism challenge to express their view of climate change through art.
Well, that was just not the end, during the main #AfricaClimateSummit,children attended different events as moderators and panelists including holding sessions in the First Lady's pavilion.
To wrap it all up with the greatest highlight of the week, children presented their declaration to the President of Kenya among other heads of state during the closing ceremony of the #AfricaClimateSummit
For children, this Climate summit was a big win for them as their issues did not just end with them but they got a chance to speak to the actual stakeholders and policy makers