Children Book Promotion event 2018
Happy Children book promotion party 2018!
Children book Promotion event 2018
I would like to introduce you to these amazing children authors. I enjoyed their books and I am pretty sure you will love them too!
I am Ndeye Labadens author of How To Crush Social Media in Only 2 Minutes A Day and I host this second and bigger event of Children book Promotion. I love to read
Meet 12 children's book authors talk about their books and get the free books and the discounted books below:
Meet Cindy Shirley
Thank you for being with us. Please Introduce yourself briefly.
I live in Woodstock, Georgia and love writing children’s books. I am a self-published children’s author with five releases since May 2017. My titles are Diesel the Body Guard: No Bullies Allowed, Doodle and The Magic Christmas Float, The Fabulous Life of Minnie Sassy Chick: The Egg-Straordinary Egg, The Fabulous Life of Minnie Sassy Chick: Minnie’s Sassy Birthday, Go-Cart Gertie. My next book, A Song for Birdie is due to be released by September.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
I write stories based on my personal experiences. I include messages throughout my storylines about respect, teamwork, compassion, acceptance, and responsibility. My award-winning book, Diesel the Body Guard: No Bullies Allowed! deals with the serious subject of bullying in elementary schools. I have visited numerous schools in my county and have an anti-bullying presentation geared toward younger children. This includes having the students sign no -bullying pledge cards and they also participate in the discussion. Another title, Go-Cart Gertie is the newest book. This story is about a young girl who decides to race go-carts and prove that girls can do anything boys can do. It shines a light on the topic of discrimination in male-dominated sports and was written to empower girls to follow their dreams regardless of the situation.
I hope the messages within the storylines are inspiring and uplifting to young readers. I think using books to teach family values along with providing a little laughter is an amazing outlet to reach young children.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
My amazing illustrator is Cleoward Sy. He truly brings life to each character and scene. I am blessed to have him on my team and will continue to work with him on all my future books.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
The first story I wrote was based on my family participating in our hometown Christmas parade. We borrowed a friend’s trailer, which was dilapidated, and my husband had to make numerous repairs to the poor thing before we could enter. Amazingly we won first place out of eighty-three floats! Once the parade was over and we took off all the lights and decorations, it was a very sad moment. I told my husband, “this little guy was the star of the town and now he’s heading back to the pasture.” It was at that moment; Doodle and the Magic Christmas Float was born. Doodle is our nickname for our granddaughter Emerson. I love this storybook because the characters of Mimi, Paw Paw and Doodle are images of me, my husband and Emmy. It’s very special to our family.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
I had a friend send a copy of Diesel the Body Guard to our nation’s first lady, Melania Trump. I signed the book, “Melania, thank you for being my buddy against bullying. Peace, Love and Hugs Cindy L. Shirley.” You can imagine my shock when a thank you letter that was personally signed by Mrs. Trump arrived at my door. She is a huge activist for bullying and thanked me for the signed copy of Diesel. I have it framed in my office.
Meet Liz Lim
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My name is Liz Lim and I am the author of two children’s books, My Special Sound, and A Cat Is A Cat (Not A Dog!) I have four adult children and taught primary school so have enjoyed children’s books all of my life first as a listener, then a reader, and now an author.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
I hope both of my books have important messages to children that they are special just as they are.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
I think the illustrations add a touch of whimsy to the message, making it more memorable.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
I love books and wanted to create a book that would have a positive message for children.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
Adults who have told me the books have brought back wonderful memories of their beloved cat, or has reminded them of a sense of whimsy and wonder in the world,
I also love reading about children who have laughed out loud at certain pages in my books.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
I hope readers take away a feeling that they too are special in the world and they get to decide how to express that specialness.
Meet Yerachmiel Altman
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Title: I can Help take care of Me, The Moose with the Pump, How Do I take care of Me?
I’ve written 3 books for children who have type 1 diabetes. The book titles are: I can Help take care of Me, The Moose with the Pump, How Do I take care of Me? I’ve lived with type one diabetes for over 56 years, since the age of two. I was one of the early users of the insulin pump (just over 37 years), CGMS (20 years) and worked on the development of the infusion sets, pump, and CGMS software as well as features. I began writing these books for a young six-year-old boy in my neighborhood was diagnosed a few years ago. When I went to look at what books and other information was written and designed for children I couldn’t locate anything I was comfortable giving him or his family.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
My goal is to inspire children to learn about diabetes and how sugar, insulin and exercise all affect their blood sugar and overall health. My aim is ideally to help children to learn to live fully and completely, knowing that they have the ability to do almost anything as long as they take care to properly prepare and keep an eye on both their blood sugar levels and overall health.
I hope they find my books both educational and enjoyable. I want children to understand that diabetes is an important part of their life but it is livable and controllable.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
I have used both stuffed animals (in my first book) and child-sized dolls in my latest book (and video). I believe that having actual pictures of the equipment in use, along with patches, pins and other methods to help the children enjoy wearing the equipment and protect it.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
As mentioned earlier, my first book was written for a newly diagnosed young boy. Since then the response to that book (and further work) encouraged me to continue writing further books to help children understand what they are living with and how to both care for themselves and understand what they are doing and why.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
I have had feedback from a few children (and their parents) telling me that it helps not only the child but the family and the friends of the child. I have also had feedback from children in a camp for children with diabetes who saw the video this summer. Children who tell me how much they’ve learned and how they are positively influenced to take care of themselves confirms that I’ve accomplished my aim.
Meet Barbara Roman
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I am Barbara Roman, the author of two children’s books including “Alicia and the Light Bulb People in Star Factory 13,” which you are kind enough to feature in your promotional event. While I have been writing for about 30 years, I also have a music background, which often informs the content of my stories.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
No matter what your age, you can believe in magical adventures, in stories that transcend reality and allow you to suspend your “disbelief” for a while. I believe this enriches our everyday life and elevates our consciousness in a powerful way.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
“Alicia…” is a magical story, with metaphysical and mystical qualities, as well as humor and playfulness. I am so fortunate to have found Vladimir Cebu to illustrate the book, for he knew exactly what was needed with minimal direction from me – the sparkle, the iridescent images, the otherworldly quality, as well as the unique expressions of each character.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
When the Muse taps you on the shoulder, you should listen, and I did. I believe in following my inner voice and the spirit of inspiration wherever it may lead. It’s not always easy, and the road has many twists, turns and some dead ends. But you turn around and find the path. Each time it led me to a new story and a new personal adventure.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
Mostly everyone who reads my book mentions the wonderful life lessons inherent in the story that are valuable to adults as well as children. My favorite and most inspiring comments come from a review that states it is, “a fairy tale of subtle beauty” and “is bound to become a popular classic.” This is so important to me as a writer; I want my stories to have a palpable beauty and to have an impact that is timeless.
Meet Diana Lee Santamaria
Thank you for being with us. Please introduce yourself briefly.
My name is Diana Lee Santamaria. I am an award-winning author of a bilingual preschool children’s book series entitled DLee’s World. I independently published my books in 2014 and since then I continue to grow my brand. I have been featured on, El diario newspaper, El Reporte Hispano along with a variety of blog sites. Subsequently, I am not only a writer, I am an educator with a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and over 9 years of teaching experience. As of 2015, I am the owner of DLee’s World, LLC, which sells children’s books and author services including readings, assemblies and public speaking engagements. Although I love all the DLee’s World stories, the book I am focusing on today is called DLee’s First Day of School (Bilingual Version).
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
I would like for readers to learn and grow with DLee and remember the fun stories, colorful illustrations, and diverse characters. DLee’s World is very much a part of me. As a result, I have dedicated much time and effort to perfect DLee’s World books so that they are not only educational and entertaining for children but also useful as learning tools for families and educators.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
I think my illustrations help to set the tone for the DLee’s World Series- with vibrant colors and characters created in the image of real people in my life, I believe the pictures help to make DLee and her world distinct from other children’s books. Also, since I am an educator, I really wanted the illustrations that take place in DLee’s class to be authentic to an actual Early Childhood classroom, thus my illustrator and I work hand in hand to create an experience that shows just that. I even had my illustrator view photos of my own classroom and others I admire, in order to recreate accurate images for the stories.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
I began writing because I was teaching at the time and at the school, I was teaching, I did not have many books that engaged my students. Therefore, one day after reading countless stories to the children, I began analyzing my student’s lack of engagement in certain stories and my own struggles with reading (including my own lack of interest which led me to not know how to read with fluency until the 3rd Grade). After continuous thought, I decided I wanted to try writing my own children’s book. I had always loved writing and dabbling in the arts and wanted to utilize those skills again. Therefore, I wrote my first children’s book and my journey as an author began.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
One of my reader’s parents reached out to me and told me that her son takes my book DLee’s Outdoor Countdown everywhere with him and how he is constantly asking her to read the story. She told me that she read it so much that she even memorized the whole thing!
Meet Deb Hockenberry
Thank you for being with us. Please Introduce yourself briefly.
‘Where Can We Have The Party?’ is my debut children’s book. I’ve always wanted to write stories for children and have taken multiple courses from The Institute of Children’s Literature and am a member of The CBI Workshop to keep with the ever-changing world of children’s writing. I have also been published in several online magazines.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
I would like children to be entertained, foremost. In today’s world, children need entertainment! I would also want them to take away the subtle lesson of making a friend happy. I want them to see that there is still a place in today’s world for fun, silliness, and friendship.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
I really can’t answer that. I just know that I’ve always wanted to write for children since I was one myself. Here’s a thought that might answer your question. I never found a book in the children’s library that had what I wanted in it (I’m talking about the 1950s). I wanted to talk animals and a party in the book. When I couldn’t find one I decided to write one myself. Of course, the book has morphed many times over the years.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
The best feedback I ever heard was from a small boy listening to me reading at a local children’s library. He told me how my story was great and how he had a party for a cousin or friend. I forget which.
Meet Myles O’Smiles
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Hello. I’m Myles O’Smiles, a former teacher, current and forever parent and proud writer of fun books for kids ages 8 to 12. The first book, published earlier this year by Crimson Hill Books, is Fun Jokes for Funny Kids (there are now four books in this series).
And perhaps I should also mention that I’m a moose. The only published moose in the world, as far as I know, though it is my hope to inspire all readers and all writers, regardless of ethnicity, race, creed, age, nationality, gender or whether they have antlers.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
The idea is to have lots of fun with words, so they just can’t wait to come back to that book, or dive into the next one in the series!
Joy is what I want readers to experience. And increased confidence, because in this book I tell kids how to deliver a joke and give them lots of jokes to try out on their families and friends. Perhaps they’ll also be inspired to create and share their own clean, kind and funny jokes and riddles.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
Frankly, the illustrations are just a bit silly. So, I think what they add to the book is more giggles.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
In a word, fun. As a teacher, I know that when kids are playing with words and ideas, they’re enjoying themselves. And wouldn’t you agree that when it’s fun, learning is so much more pleasant as well as faster and easier?
So, with these jokes and riddles, young readers are learning about wordplay and language, how to put words together to form thoughts and ideas and they’re also learning about what’s truly funny. Some of the jokes are also riddles, so they’re challenged to put their thinking antlers on. Critical thinking, expressing yourself, how to be engaging to an audience – these are things parents and teachers want our kids to learn. The pre-teen years are the ideal time to practice these skills. These are also skills they’ll use all their lives, not just to get through grade 4 or grade 5, or maybe grade 6.
As both a teacher and a parent, I know how a truly funny joke or a clever riddle can lighten the mood, change the pace or the subject, gain attention, motivate or reward positive behavior, avert emotional overload (an ever-present danger in this age group, and their teachers) and so much more.
This is also the age when kids love to read and I think what they read should build kids up. Teach a kid to tell a good joke or riddle well and you give her, or him, a confidence boost and a real social advantage. It is the first step in teaching them how to present themselves and ‘sell’ themselves and their values, skills and ideas to the world, as we all must do to achieve any goal in life.
I believe we must also teach our children about what is not funny, like so-called jokes that are actually mean-spirited, rude, crude, insults or put-downs. There is far too much in the world that is not good for young minds (or any other kind of minds). Expose kids to good books and you also help shape their good characters, at the critical time when they are still inquisitive readers and this is still possible.
Good jokes and riddles can entertain kids and build them up. That’s my mission as an author, a teacher and a parent. Entertain the young while helping them become stronger, smarter and more confident.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
Well, they do tend to say they laughed a lot. And they liked the cartoons in the book. But mostly they ask me what I’m writing next. And they’re also quite curious about how much I get paid.
Anything more you’d like to add?
Thank you for these interesting questions. It’s been a pleasure to talk to you and to your readers!
Meet Sherri Rabinowitz
Thank you for being with us. Please Introduce yourself briefly.
My name is Sherri Rabinowitz and I am an author and a podcaster and playwright. My award-winning books is called Different Is Beautiful: A love note to the children of the world! It is an anti-bullying picture book to teach children acceptance and love.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
This book is all about love and acceptance and that everyone is special. Everyone is beautiful and that you should accept people on by their actions not how they look. From all my writing not just this book, it is love and friendship is the most important thing in this world. It makes adventure all the sweeter to have a good friend with you.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
Diversity, beauty, fun, and vibrancy in a sweet, and loving way.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
Sadly, it was the bullying the schools, for kids as young as 7 or 8 years old. I remembered an old song from a musical called “South Pacific”, called “You have to teach kids to hate. “And, I thought to myself if we can teach them early to love maybe it would counter react all this ugly programming that are getting later from outside forces.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
So many, I have received endorsements from both parents and teachers.
Meet Margarita Marti
Please introduce yourself and mention the name of your book: It’s ok to be Different
Thank you for having me. I am Margarita Marti, author of the children’s book: “It’s ok to be Different”. I am an elementary school teacher with 10 years of experience at Cypriot schools. I have a Med in “Creative arts in education”.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
My writing is about accepting diversity and acceptance from an early age and this is what I want my readers to take away. Things always happen in life it is my opinion that children should be prepared, and aware that not all children walk on two legs, or have hair, or read fluently by the age of eight. That is why I chose a simple story with children as the main characters. I know it’s sometimes hard and we had small children that read the story, asking us to make the heroes get well in the next story.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
I believe that illustrations are at the heart of my book. My good friend and illustrator, Antigoni Adamou, placed a lot of thought on designing the characters, knowing that the readers will be the kids. They give characters a face, so children can connect with them.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
People with health problems don’t need anyone’s pity. They want to be treated with respect. They are characters and they have abilities, they have talents like the rest of the population. This is something I ‘ve experienced and I ‘ve observed as a school teacher. Though this was the motivation initially, I decided to add other characters as well, that don’t act like the norm does.
The book is nominated for its illustrations at the Cypriot literature awards 2018.
The book is published in English and Greek.
Meet Deanie Humphrys-Dunne
Thank you for being with us. Please Introduce yourself briefly.
My name is Deanie Humphrys-Dunne and I’m the author of six award-winning children’s books; Tails of Sweetbrier (no longer in print) Charlie the Horse, Charlene the Star, Charlene the Star and Hattie’s Heroes, Charlene the Star and Bentley Bulldog, and My Life at Sweetbrier. These books promote good values, While entertaining young readers. There are fictional books, told by the animal characters and My Life at Sweetbrier, is my personal journey of starting life as a disabled child and becoming an equestrian champion.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
My goal is to encourage children to reach for their dreams and to try new adventures because you never know what you can do until you try. I think children need to learn they can do things they never imagined, but it all starts by taking that first step.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
My sister, Holly Humphrys-Bajaj, illustrated all of my fictional stories. Children love them because the illustrations help to show the animal characters’ personalities. Holly’s drawings help young readers to connect with the animal characters Holly also designed the covers of my fictional books. The cover of Charlene the Star features a drawing of Charlene the Star and Elliott, who was our family dog. He is one of the characters in the book.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
I wanted to show children that if you have a big dream that you think is impossible to realize, it may still happen if you persevere. I think children can become easily discouraged by big challenges, especially if they have a disability.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
Some of my readers have said my books were “The best they’ve ever read.” One little girl wrote a book report on My Life at Sweetbrier because it was her favorite book she read during the summer.
Meet Marjorie Hembroff
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I have had an active imagination since I was little which allowed me to create many interesting activities. Some of my ideas did get me into trouble though. Wild stories formed in my mind, but I never attempted to write them down until later in life. There were the usual school assignments, but my stories were dismal attempts. It wasn’t until later years that I started to take courses and my ideas scrambled to get out of my head.
I am the author of three children’s books, two middle-grade novels, and one picture book. The book titles are Bess’s Magical Garden, The Mystery of the Hidden Cabin and Gramma Mouse Tells a Story.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
My two novels take place during the 1950’s which allows the reader to take a step back in time to a simpler time and place. Maybe children reading it would start to take up a pen or pencil and start writing letters to their friends like Bess does in Bess’s Magical Garden or start a journal like Bess does in The Mystery of the Hidden Cabin. There are some simple lessons in Gramma Mouse Tells a Story which children should pick up on. Mainly it is meant to entertain and is a good bedtime story.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustration add to your book?
My illustrations add a bit of depth to the story. I used a variety of sources for reference material for my sketches. Most of them were done on transparent tracing paper first and then onto a good piece of paper. The pictures will help trigger a child’s imagination as they create stories based on the pictures themselves.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
I had a series of dreams where I was holding a book without a cover and blank pages. Then there were dreams where I saw several books propped up. Some of my dreams were a mixture of art and writing which was trying to tell me to incorporate my art into my stories. A friend who interpreted dreams told me that I was supposed to write the story and do the artwork for the cover. From there the idea for Bess was born which resulted in Bess’s Magical Garden.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
I especially liked the review a young child did for Gramma Mouse Tells a Story. I have received a few emails from people who received a free book through Goodreads. There was an autistic child at the library reading I did earlier this year. He was attentive throughout the reading absorbing every word. When we talked later he asked why Tiny, Gramma Mouse didn’t listen to her parents. He said that he always listened and followed instructions. He was very serious when he said that.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
My books are entertaining. My novels are educational because they are historical. It gives readers a glimpse of the past. The Gramma Mouse story is simply an entertaining bed-time story.
Meet Elen Oberio
Thank you for being with us. Please Introduce yourself briefly.
Hi! My name is Eleanor Oberio. I’m the founder of I’ve created The Adventures of Emanuel series with my six-year-old son. I’ve also written a few stand-alone children’s books.
My latest book is entitled “Rocky the Rocketsaur: The Musical Clouds of Slumberdee”. This is the first book in the Rocky the Rocketsaur series. It’s a very wonderful book about a helpful dinosaur who has a backpack that turns into a rocket.
What would you like readers to take away from your writing?
That children are very creative. They have a beautiful imagination that must be cultivated and nurtured. Most of my books are in the fantasy and magic genre. I want to tickle my reader’s imagination. All of my books were written with my six-year-old son in mind. I hope readers of my book, especially young children, would be entertained and finish my book with a happy smile on their faces.
What do you think is the most important thing your illustrations add to your book?
I am very fortunate to have worked with very talented illustrators. I believe illustrations make a book come alive. My son will only read books with beautiful illustrations. He gets bored if it’s all texts.
For me, pictures add variety and entertainment. Visuals make young children interested in the book and make them want to turn the page and finish the book up to the last page. I am a very visual person myself. I love browsing beautifully illustrated children’s books in the library. If I could stay there, I would stay there for hours. It gives me so much pleasure and contentment.
What was your motivation to write your first book?
One is to leave a legacy to my son. My father died early and was not able to even see me give birth to my son. My son would always ask me about him. I thought, if I write a book, even when I’m gone, my stories will stay intact on the pages and can be retold to my grandchildren.
The other reason is that I wanted to have my own café someday where I could hold writing workshops, continue writing while sipping my favorite cup of coffee and have a venue to showcase my books and artworks and encourage other people to become more creative and expressive and actively seek collaboration. Then, a portion of the proceeds would be donated to my favorite children’s charities in the Philippines. I took up a social enterprise class to update my skills and hopefully, I could realize this goal soon.
What is the most memorable feedback you received from your readers?
It was from my first book, “The Adventures of Emanuel: The Flying Shark of Bouncy Land”. The Amazon reviewer was Rebecca and she said it was a “lovely adventure”, which is exactly what I want my readers to feel after they’ve finished reading my books.
Thanks for joining the Children Book Party 2nd edition 2018!
Thanks to all Writers to answer to my invitation to this Children book Party!
Next 1K promotion Party, Black Friday event, and Holidays book promo and end of the year Holidays Promo and the Halloween and BlackFriday is Next Week same place
See you at the next Promo events!
Your Host,
Ndeye Labadens
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editing at Deanie Humphrys-Dunne, award-winning children's author , professional book reviewer
6 年The children's? Promotion dates have been extended. It is in progress now until Sept. 10th. so be sure to stop by to meet some great children's authors.
Teacher, author, painter
6 年Thank you Ndeye Labadens!?
editing at Deanie Humphrys-Dunne, award-winning children's author , professional book reviewer
6 年Best wishes to all of the awesome authors involved in this event. Thank you, Ndeye Labadens for hosting it.