Childlike Fear ~ But Your hunger Says Go For It!

Childlike Fear ~ But Your hunger Says Go For It!

Childlike Fear, But My Hunger Says Do It Anyway . . . 

As I anxiously watch the number of social apps soar… and wait to see what will emerge… I keep thinking about one of the most popular classic films, Oliver Twist.  You may remember it too!  Even if you have never read the book, or seen the film, you probably know the famous line the terrified, hungry little orphan, Oliver, used.

His hunger drove him to ask the boldest question he had ever asked. Against all odds he questioned, Please sir, can I have some more?

The screaming response of the mean Dean MORE shattered all confidence and left a group of boys running for cover. This scene echoes through my mind as I forge through the world of app development. In the face of being lost in a sea of new apps, I need to be confident and constantly push forward.

My hunger for something a little new, a little different and a little better than what is currently being offered, drives me to, just like Oliver, ask the question, “Is their room for one more?

As autumn approaches, techies and social users might begin to wonder, “What’s in store for the end of 2015, and more importantly next year?” “What new app will take center stage?

I know that Yappa has something new to offer that will stand out and enhance the way we engage with each other.  Yappa allows users to connect on multiple levels, both visually and personally with sound recordings.

Users can add a recorded 15-second caption to images that they can share with friends.  Their friends can then respond with sound bites of their own, making the whole experience of connecting online more personal.

Yappa offers a deeper and richer way to connect with social networks.  Everyone will want to See it, Say it, Share it!

Come With Me . . .  I want you to come with me on this journey of making room for one more. Discover with me what it takes to create an app that speaks to all of our deepest desires to connect… to share our worlds with each other over time and distance.

Come alongside me as I share the details of pioneering a start-up, including directives made in development cycles, engaging testers, marketers, the launch, growth, failings, goals, decisions big, decisions small, and decisions that matter.

Developing an app is full of ups and downs, tears and laughter, and a whole lot of hard work! This is my journal of learning that brings real truth and insights into the weekly activities of the Yappa App start-up.

A few quotes that resonate with me, they keep me going when the going gets tough.

  • “To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart” ~ Thomas Watson
  • “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm” ~ Winston Churchill
  • “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” ~ Debbi Fields

The next time your "Childlike Fear" threatens, but "Your Hunger Tells You To Do It Anyway?" Just go for it!


