Childhood Exercise Reverses Health Effects Caused By Father's Obesity
Past research suggests that having an obese father may be linked to reduced insulin sensitivity, potentially raising the risk for type 2 diabetes. In a study involving rats with obese fathers, researchers observed that if the offspring engaged in exercise early in life, their risk for insulin sensitivity in adulthood was similar to rats with normal-weight fathers. First author Dr. Filippe Falc?o-Tebas explains, “Obesity due to a high-fat diet in the father can have a negative effect on the metabolism of their offspring. Our study showed that exercise only in early life of the offspring can have long-lasting beneficial effects on their health by normalizing their muscle insulin sensitivity in adulthood. Further work needs to be carried out including understanding what genes are switched on and off to cause these changes.” Journal of Physiology, November 2018 | Dr. Matthew Lowry