Child/Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse
Safeguarding Associates for Excellence
Safeguarding Associates for Excellence (SAFE) prides itself on providing up to date and enriched training.
The UK Government published guidance in 2015 relating to Adolescent to Parent Violence (APVA). It is recognised as a form of domestic abuse, the types of abuse can include violence, emotional abuse, financial abuse, threats and coercive and controlling behaviour, and the impact can be devastating. Child or adolescent to parent violence and abuse (CAPVA) is understood as a form of domestic abuse in cases involving young people over the age of 16, meaning those under 16 are at times treated as adult perpetrators.
The study “Hidden Harm” ( was commissioned by the London Mayors Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) and found that there was no single cause of the child to parent violence and abuse.
A report from the Oxford Law Faculty published in August 2020 found that 70 per cent of parents whose children had a history of abuse reported an increase in violent episodes during the lockdown. The Guardian published in April 2022 that at least 40% of the child to parent violence in the UK is unreported to the police.
Research suggests that mothers are more likely to be the target of violence and abuse, it is not linked to any culture, class, or geographical area in society.
·?????The type of behaviour parents report is:
·?????Feeling like they are walking on eggshells
·?????Stealing property
·?????The child threatening to harm themselves
·?????The child blames parents for their behaviour
·?????Damaging property
·?????The child may threaten to call the police or social care if their demands aren’t met.
What stops parents from asking for help?
·?????Fear of getting their children in trouble
·?????Fear of being accused of being a bad parent
·?????Not wanting to feel they have failed as a parent?
There are many causes of challenging behaviours in children some include:
·?????Undiagnosed trauma in the child’s life
·?????Witnessing violence
·?????Parenting styles
·?????Emotional Neglect
·?????Transgenerational Neglect
·?????Peer group influences and pressure
What can Parents do?
There is help out there for parents, it’s important to make sure that professionals establish the cause of the behaviour, a lot of Early Help Services provide help and support to parents and carers. There are also some good charities providing help to families where there is a child to parent abuse and violence, some charities to refer to for help and advice include:
The charity Whosincharge has produced an excellent booklet containing advice for parents and carers.
Safe is developing domestic abuse workshops which will help to raise awareness. We will also be including a focus on hidden survivors of abuse, male survivors, and Child to parent abuse and violence.
For further information contact our team at Safe on 01392 407925 or