Eric Perlmutter
Owner, Perlmutter Law Firm PC Firm practicing in all areas of Family Law
Has Covid 19 lead to loss of employment or a substantial reduction in income? Have you stopped paying child support because you’ve been laid off due to the coronavirus? Do you have a valid child support order in place that you are unable to pay, either completely or in part? If you answer yes to these questions, then now is the time to take action before things spiral out of control.
Child Support is to help support the child. That is at the foundation of all child support orders. So, while it may be true that your income has been adversely affected, the same may be true for the custodial parent. But that does not mean the current order should continue as is.
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Perlmutter Law Firm
Address: 155-03 Jamaica Ave
Jamaica NY 11432
Phone: (718) 558-4263
Email: [email protected]
#abuseandneglect #childabuse #FamilyLaw #adoptions #paternity