Child identity theft on the rise
Brian Hannay - LegalShield
Legal Service and Identity Theft at LegalShield, Independent Associate
Too many think "it'll never happen to me", or they have a false sense of security in thinking their financial institutions will catch and fix identity theft for them... because they don't understand the difference between identity theft and basic fraud. If YOU think "it'll never happen to me", just know that's what nearly 16 MILLION thought in 2013, 16 MILLION more thought in 2014 and another 18 MILLION thought in 2015. :-/ (Those figures reflect US citizens over age 16, but kids are the fastest growing group of victims).
Protect what you can't prevent. Most of the services out there calling themselves an identity theft plan ARE bogus; I'd like to share details with you why IDShield is the only true and complete solution for the world's fastest growing crime. PM me or visit for details.