Child Custody Devotional - Practice these Things...
Stephen Williams
We help clients stand up for themselves in Child Custody, Divorce, DHR Defense and Adoption Cases
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me — practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Phillippians 4:9
We love the word ‘practice’. It is fundamental to our mission on several levels. In its transitive verb sense, our #childcustody lawyers don’t “do” law they “practice law.” Doctors practice medicine. As a noun, ‘practice’ refers to our organization, itself; Foxtrot is a ‘law practice’. One refers to her meditation regimen or routine as her “meditation practice.” I like that. Perhaps law should be more like meditation and less like pugilism.
Practice implies humility, ownership of one’s failings or deficiencies. At the same time, though, practice implies agency and a willingness to work to improve, having what Carol Dweck calls a “growth mindset.”
There is no perfect approach to #parenting. Thus, there is no perfect approach to #coparenting. Even if there was, each of us would imperfectly apply it; we would still have to practice. The behavior, actions and attitude of the Other Side can be frustrating, hurtful and even dangerous to us and our children, but any moment spent wishing the Other Side would change for the better is a wasted one, either a wasted moment in which we could be present with our child or present with ourselves or even a moment in which we could meditate on how we, ourselves, can be better. Namaste.