Chief Talent Officer Interviewing Tips - Journal your Career
Creating your dream job with Chief Talent Officer

Chief Talent Officer Interviewing Tips - Journal your Career

Since I was 10 years old, my dad taught me to write everything I did in a journal. He said, if you want to accomplish anything in life you must write it down on paper. If it is a big goal, then you must break it down into its parts. I remember one day I found a golf ball in front of my house that someone lost and I sold it to a golfer across the street for 25 cents. I thought if I find 100 balls I can make $20 dollars. In one month, I made over $100 dollars! I did that for many years through grade school and junior high. It taught me early on that if you have a goal and the ambition and drive to succeed and write it down you can do it.

My dad told me to break down the process. When he was 10 years old on the farm he took apart the traction and put it back together and fixed it. He was my mentor. He did it. If he could do it I could do it was my thought process.

By the way, my dad led the Apollo for NASA and put a man on the moon with thousands of others. NASA had one mission to put a man on the moon and they achieved it. The same way I learned how to sell golf balls at 10! Of course, it was not easy. It took hard work.

If you have a career goal or a career plan then put it in writing and share it with others and make sure you share it with your executive recruiter in the interviewing process. This is helpful to improve the process in search.

I would recommend keeping a journal of your career goals. Then you can measure your success and direction in life. I review my journal daily and and review it and improve my career goals all the time.

We have a tendency to get off track and drift but if you know who you are and what you what and stay focused on the task at hand you can arrive at your desired destination namely your dream job!

Stay on target and have joy in the journey of life. Yes life is hard and things don't always go our way, but if you have a specific target in mind it can act like a compass.

If you are looking for someone who can help you progress in your career goals and get you on the right career path, then call me. I would encourage you to find an executive recruiter that understands your career goals.

Our CDS form at CTO is a tool that helps you journal your needs, wants and motivations within your career. Normally this is not want you share on your resume.

If you don't have someone that can introduce you to your next boss, then I would encourage you to work with me to find your next dream career move!


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