Chief Ministers are wanting to meet Prime Minister #NAMO Ji today, on reasons other then the lives of their people in spite of Prime Minister’s clear instructions to concentrate of lives of the people.
Chief Ministers of Telangana, Punjab and Odisha are the only ones and definitely concerned with the lives of their states persons and also the labor migrants, who live in their state to earn their livelihood and in turn give luxury, comforts and necessity to the state dwellers.
Chief Minister of Delhi, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are not able to contain the #coronavirusinfestation in their state.
Delhi Chief Minister started sending migrants on the first day of #LOCKDOWN because he is super intelligent #CMDelhi, who can even prove #SupremeCourtofIndia doesn’t had clue when he showed his back on TV announcements, when #SupremeCourtofIndia ruled out that only #PrimeMinister and #PresidentofIndia can announce of TV. Now, this super intelligent @arvindkejriwal is more worried to earn money rather than save lives of the residents. Today, Delhi residents, more so the aged people are worried about their lives and cursing their decision of voting on freebies during elections.
Maharashtra State government having #ShivSena CM wants migrant laborers to walk down forgetting that these laborers were for their comforts, luxury and necessity of Maharashtra people. How can Maharashtrains accept this as the state government decision? Will the laborers across the country be ready to work in Maharashtra in future. Petty politics of #UddhavThackeray have led to increase in #coronavirusinfested people in the state and now the lives of outsiders are at peril.
Gujarat CM is more worried of being good instead of being strict and against the #Lockdown offenders. Appears to be easy to raise his hand rather than being proved nincompoop.
Madhya Pradesh #coronavrus infestation is bearing fruits of ex CM #Kamaknath legacy.
Country people must kick out such politicians from their chair, who aren't bothered of their lives irrespective of states.
The economy and development of the country GDP is on the shoulder's of #centralgovernment. The Prime Minister’s arena is being looked after well. Hence the states must not worry on this issues.
@INCIndia is against the #lockdown of the nation since the beginning. Joining hands with #urbannaxals, Aam Aadmi Party - Delhi, #Lutyenmedia et al with the false belief that this is the right time to demean the #centralgovernment efforts, which may prove good to #RahulGandhi political arena.