Roads? Where we're going, we still need... roads. If imitation is the greatest form of flattery and competition breeds innovation, then a challenge is perhaps the highest level of respect. Some calling it an unjust fight, Sunny Madra, VP of Ford X, challenged Musk to a head to head test. As reported a couple weeks ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk agreed to redo the Cybertruck vs. Ford F-150 tug-of-war challenge after claims the first one wasn’t fair.
The Tesla Cybertruck is no Ford F-150 and the F-150 is no Cybertruck. I don't particularly find this a battle between ICE vs EV, strength vs power (no pun intended), or looks — it's not a one-up at all. It's the most beautiful display of giving a damn about design and engineering that I've seen in a bit — which has been lacking in many industries — especially energy. Both sides care. Buyer priorities aside, whether you e-scooter to work or put your Hummer H1 into low gear in the HOV lane, this terrific discord benefits everyone.
I'll take some steel unibody polygon-love coupled with off-road tires, throw in a charger, extended cab, and some bucket seats any day — as long as Bang & Olufsen is massaging my lobes. As Mr. Ford said, "If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."