The chicken and egg problem of EDI
Just above you can see our diversity statistics and targets for the next three years. We decided to make them completely transparent so that everyone can hold us accountable for them, because that is what we think is needed to drive change.?
I have seen EDI being treated like the chicken and the egg in the past. A workforce wants to be able to identify with their leaders and peers. So, what comes first - the diverse leader? Or the diverse workforce? In my eyes, it is a bit too simple to wait for someone to solve the chicken and egg dilemma. You have to solve it yourself.?
Under our previous male CEO, we had a female/male employee split of ~ 25%/75%. The senior leadership team was also all-male, with the exception of the Head of HR and Marketing, who were female (no great surprise!). Nevertheless, as a white female, I always felt supported, respected and listened to. We still had a diverse workforce in terms of BAME representation, and the company was proud of the different nationalities that we unite under one roof.?
I only truly understood the difference it makes to have someone in power who champions EDI when our current female CEO was appointed. Over the next 3 years, I experienced real change - less words, more action, as can be seen below.?
Step one: Start tracking EDI stats. As a company that has data at its heart, we know that if you don’t have data to prove it, it didn’t happen.??
Step two: Find initiatives to drive the importance of diversity and diversity of thoughts throughout the workforce.?
Step three: Set targets. Without targets, you might as well not track anything because your statistics won’t change.??
Step four: Build a team that mirrors a fair representation of society.??
Profusion reached a female/male employee split of 44%/56%, and 55%/45% in the leadership team. On top of that we run Diversity and Inclusion working group sessions. Our HR manager is part of the Mayor of London’s initiative to get more young black males into the tech industry (GLA). And we are part of the Women in Tech Forum where our teams can benefit from networking, webinars and events.??
EDI is a chicken and egg problem only if you let it become one. If you set up a strategy to tackle the issue, you will soon see a difference in statistics.??
You will probably have realised that I am particularly focused on the gender divide and the importance of female leadership. That is largely because I’m a woman and I experienced the change personally. However, with the above steps in place, I can also see the clear improvement in our LGBTQ+, BAME and disability representation as well.?
Here’s to a bright future! I’d be interested in how you experience EDI in your companies! Are you tracking your company’s development??
Anne Huber, Chief of Staff
Eloquently put Anne. Was great to meet you yesterday and this certainly supports the first impression you gave me. Not all are so steadfast on the two sides of perception and reality. Actions and measurable outcomes with the ability to take the positive learning and adjust from experience, something you appear to be championing.