CHHE 2nd Public Realm Workshop
Audience at CHHE Pulbic Realm Workshop

CHHE 2nd Public Realm Workshop

ASPECT Studios Dongke
Audience of CHHE Public Realm Workshop
Jeff Liu VANKE discussing LESS is More in Shanghai's Central Plaza Development
Speakers and Audience at CHHE Public Realm Workshop
TROP and Longfor Developements in Discussion about Planting and Art in Development and their Contributions towards Public Realm
Jacky Chen in discussion about Public Realm and Nostalgia / Art / Culture and Space in Production of Space
ECADI Bao Bei Bei discussing Public Realm and mitigating Stakeholders and Agencies in creating Nanjing East Road Extension and Hongkou Riverfront
ArcPlus Yang Ling Cheng and AECOM Lee Parks engaging with Audience in Q & A sessions
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In July 2021, CHHE (Committee of High-Rise Habitat Environments Assc) held their second Public Realm workshop within PCLandscape Office in Shanghai Xuhui District. The workshop was a discussion, debate, and sharing of the issues and challenges of China's Public Realm Projects that were sub-divided into Small, Medium, Large, and Extra-Large categories representing the different scales of Landscape Architecture projects from Commercial Plazas to Green Infrastructure. Whereas the first workshop held in April 2021 in MYP Office in Yangpu was a discussion about Public Realms in Urban Cores, Centers, and Peripheries of only some of the most prominent China design firms, the second workshop attempted to widen the scope of discussion to include stakeholders, public engagement, and academic research. Thank you to the firms of ECADI, MYP, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL Studios, AECOM, ARUP, ArcPlus, GMX Studios, Lab D+H, TROP, Metrostudio, VANKE Developments, Longfor Developments, Hong Kong Land Developments, Tongji University, Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), Nanjing Forestry University and East China Normal University (ECNU), for participating and sharing their knowledge and contributions. An annual CHHE Conference will be held in mid to late September where our discussions and outcomes will be summarized and published in their annual magazine (


