Chester's Roman Amphitheatre Petition

Uncover Chester's Amphitheatre don't let CWAC give it to developers for 150 years.

ADAM DANDY Chester, United KingdomPEOPLE OF CHESTER ACT NOW! SIGN & SHARE OUR PETITION TO SAVE OUR AMPHITHEATRE: 'Your Council' CWAC is about to hand most of the uncovered half of your Amphitheatre to developers for the next 150 years! Please SIGN & SHARE this petition if you support our aim to stop Cheshire West & Chester Council (CWAC) from handing the site on top of half of Chester's Amphitheatre (Britain's biggest amphitheatre) to developers for the next 150 years. 29/07/16 UPDATE: It's now been revealed that by repairing Dee House, it is likely that it would damage the foundations / amphitheatre beneath, more than demolition would. A spokesperson for Historic England (the charitable guardians of the amphitheatre) has confirmed today that the unearthed area contains "Nationally important archeological remains". We therefore believe that the derelict Dee House should now be de-listed and demolished, this now creates a much stronger case which will be put to English Heritage (Chief Exec. Kate Mavor, who is copied into this campaign) and if succesful, the SOUTHERN HALF OF THE AMPHITHEATRE SHOULD BE FINALLY UNCOVERED and rebuilt if needs be, creating a world class tourist attraction, for generations to see, learn from and enjoy. This would finally unearth one of only a handful 'whole roman amphitheatres' left in the World today and would create a unique global tourist attraction, right here in our city of Chester. Whilst we believe that lottery funding would be achievable for this new unique roman attraction, we believe that the amphitheatre would have huge positive benefits which would far outweigh the costs associated over time, benefiting local businesses and jobs in the city and the wider area of Cheshire and North Wales, perfectly located for the new Restaurant District and proposed Northgate Development, not to mention all of the local hotels etc... which would benefit hugely. Empty shops would become full again with the increase in footfall and unemployment would be reduced. We know that this wouldn't all happen overnight, but as it's creators would have said... "Rome wasn't built in a day!"   If left uncontested, CWAC Council have decided to hand this building to a developer for the next 150 years, this would prevent anyone alive today from ever seeing the amphitheatre as a whole, it appears that the electorate in Chester have not been given the chance to voice what they would like to happen to the site properly, many people are calling for a public enquiry into what should happen, before any decisions are made, a large number of local businesses are in the process of writing an open letter to the leader of CWAC, Samantha Dixon, to demand that no deal is done with a developer prior to a fair and detailed period of public consultation. Finally a recent survey of 320 people revealed that 88% of Cestrian's when asked, wanted the amphitheatre site uncovered once and for all, not more student flats and offices.  PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN & SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW ESPECIALLY IN CHESTER.This petition will be delivered to:

  • Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council
    Samantha Dixon
  • Chief Executive English Heritage
    Kate Mavor
  • Member of Parliament for City of Chester
    Christian Matheson MP

1 more decision maker...

ADAM DANDY started this petition with a single signature, and now has 4,941 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.


  1. 2 days agoPetition update

    FOUR THOUSAND people sign Petition to uncover Chester's Amphitheatre in just 2 days.


    At 12 noon today, 4,057 people have signed a petition in just 48hrs, calling on Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWAC) not to hand over land on top of Chester's...


  2. 2 days ago4,000 supporters
  3. 2 days agoPetition update

    Repairs to Dee House likely to cause more damage to foundations than demolition.


    It has been revealed today that English Heritage (the charitable guardians of the amphitheatre) told the previous leader of the Conservative Council Mike...


  4. 3 days ago3,000 supporters
  5. 3 days agoPetition update

    Contact Chester MP Chris Matheson if you don't want AMPHITHEATRE DEVELOPED ON


    If you like us are opposed to any further development being carried out on top of what could be Chester's No1 Tourist Attraction 'The Chester Amphitheatre' please...


  6. 3 days agoPetition update

    Chester Business Leaders meet to write OPEN LETTER to CWAC for Public Enquiry over Amphitheatre plan


    The owners of tens of well known local Chester businesses are meeting today to write and sign an OPEN LETTER calling on Samantha Dixon, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, Chris Matheson MP and Kate Mavor...


  7. 3 days ago2,000 supporters
  8. 3 days agoPetition update

    Letter from 1939 reveals that our campaign today is history repeating itself!


    In 1939 this letter was sent to the then Chester City Council: "Sir, May we ask for a little space in which to make known the present situation of the Chester...


  9. 3 days ago1,500 supporters
  10. 4 days agoPetition update

    We will be letting down generations past, present and future if this site is handed to developers


    Although the existence of an amphitheatre in Chester had been speculated for years, the first evidence for it was discovered in 1929 when gardening works at Dee...


  11. 4 days ago1,000 supporters
  12. 4 days agoPetition update

    Over 100 people per hour have taken to social media today


    Over 100 people per hour have taken to social media today to express their disapproval of Cheshire West and Chester Councils proposal to hand the land on top of Chester's Amphitheatre to developers for the next 150 years...


  13. 4 days ago500 supporters
  14. 4 days agoADAM DANDY started this petition



I am a Cestrian.
I am fiercely proud of our beautiful, historic city
I am not proud of our council who blatantly don't listen to us and take the easiest, cheapest solution rather than doing what is best for our beautiful city!
If finance is an issue they should make us aware of this and ask us for help as a united team, rather than making a decision on our behalf and treating us like inferior idiots whose opinions don't matter!!

Bex Gardner, Helsby, United Kingdom4 days ago6

I visit Chester regularly and would like to see the amphitheatre remain as a part of history. I have looked around it several times and have seen school children there re enacting historical events. Please don't allow it to be built upon

Stephanie Lowe, Combe Martin, United Kingdom3 days ago4

It belongs to the people not to a developers ambition in making money...150 years will guarantee changes which I believe will not be beneficial to the public and not questioned after a sustained time period.

David Baxter, liverpool, United Kingdom3 days ago4

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Peter Moore DuttonWhitchurch, United Kingdom


