Cherish No Grudge
From today’s reading...
“Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your fellow countrymen.
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
“But Wes, there weren’t vegans back then, or gun-nuts, or Crossfitters, or Trump supporters, or Planned Parenthood, or Big Tobacco, or Prius drivers...or...or…or...Alabama fans!!! (The football team, not the country band. The band is awesome. Which reminds me. Some people don’t even like Country OR Western.)
“How can I love all of them, hmmm? Surely God didn’t mean we’re supposed to love ALL of neighbors, right?”
Nice try, but God did mean ALL of your neighbors.
The Russians and the North Koreans.
That guy who always double-parks right in front of the office and that gal who always posts fake news on Facebook.
Because loving your neighbor enough to let them do their thing gives you the time and the energy to focus on doing your own thing, which is the only way to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.