CHEMIF.PTML LAB 10th Years!!!
Humbert G. Díaz, Prof.
IKERBASQUE Senior Prof. Univ. of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Dept. Org. & Inorg. Chemistry│UPV/EHU-CSIC BIOFISIKA, PI CHEMIF.PTML Multi-Center Lab│UPV/EHU IKERDATA S.L. PI Founder (Lang: EN work, SP native, EU basic)
CHEMIF.PTML LAB On This Edition of Our NewsLetter Would Like to Acknowldege All Past and Present Hosts Institutions/Partner Groups, Sponsors, External Colabs, Visiting Scholars, PostDocs, and PhD, MSc, BSc Students Who Have Supported our Research Line on The First 10 Years. Thx y'all, Milesker Denoi, Gracias a Todos, Xièxiè Dàjiā!!!
About: Cheminformatics Perturbation Theory Artificial Inteligence/Machine Learning Laboratory (CHEM.PTML LAB), is a Multi-Center Research Laboratory of UPV/EHU , Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and Biofisika?Institute, Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa, #Bilbao.
CHEM.PTML LAB Staff. the lab has two permanent professors dedicated to the coordination and collaboration with associted startup and labs.
CHEMIF.PTML Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Humbert G. Díaz, Prof., Research Professor at UPV/EHU (UPV/EHU) Endowed by: IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque).
CHEMIF.PTML Co-PI: Prof. Sonia Arrasate Gil, ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU, Assoc. Prof., Dept. Org. & Inorg. Chem. About: Multi-Center Research Laboratory of UPV/EHU, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and Biofisika?Institute, Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa, Greater Bilbao.
CHEMIF.PTML LAB Host Centers. On first place, We Thank IKERBASQUE Basque Foundation ( Ikerbasque ), Scientific Director Prof Fernando P. Cossío Mora and all foudation staff for their invaluable support. We Also Thank Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa Prof. Dir. Iban Ubarretxena , ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU Dean Prof. Fernando Plazaola, our Dept. Direction Prof. Izaskun Gil de Muro Zabala and Prof. MI Moreno Benitez, along with all institute/foundation and faculty staff for co-hosting our lab.
CHEMIF.PTML LAB Host Groups. Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco Consolidated Research Groups are research groups associations making posible stronger projects. We are part of the consolidated group formed by Organo-Metallics in Synthesis (OMS) Group and Group of Asymmetric Synthesis, Sustainable Chemistry and Biomimetic Processes (GSA). We lead the Research Line on Chemoinformatics for Organic Catalysis of this consolidated group. As result the profesors and some students of our lab are members of this group as well. Consequently, we thanks the PIs Prof. E. Lete and Prof. JL Vicario and all members of these groups for their kind support.,
<Research and Transference>
CHEMIF.PTML LAB Startup Company. Next, CHEM.PTML LAB Launched in 2021 the IKERDATA S.L., VAT No.: B16731879, PIC No.: 885528036, at Zitek UPV/EHU University Startup business incubator supported by Beaz Bizkaia agency of Biscay Provincial Council, and Researchers of UPV/EHU, KERBASQUE Foundation, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, and UDC University of Coru?a, Spain. As result the lab professors do research consulting and interchanges PhD, MSc, BSc interships students etc. with this company. In this sense, we want to thank IKERDATA S.L. CEO PhD Prof. Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres, Enpresagintza Fakultatea/Facultad de Empresariales - Mondragon Unibertsitatea , IKERDATA Manag. Arrate Ba?eres de la Torre ,ZITEK CEO Prof. Juan Bernardo Arrue Mendizabal , Ent. Tech. Aitor Isasi and all business incubator staff, founder partners, and researchers.
*CHEMIF.PTML LAB External Collabs (10th Years). We Wolud like to Acknowledege External Collaborators from Abroad of our University Which are Not/Has Not Been Staff of our Lab but Partnered/Supported us Along this 10 Years as Project Partners, Co-Editors in Chief, Papers Co-authors, Hosts of Our Students, Conference Committee, PhD Co-Supervisors, Disertation Commisions, etc.: CEO Dr. Allen Reitz Fox Chase Therapeutics Discovery, Inc. , Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev North Dakota State University , Prof. Matthew Montemore Tulane University , Prof. James Green 加拿大卡尔顿大学 , Dr. Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , FAES FARMA CIO Dr. Tatiana Suarez Cortes , Dr. Yasset Perez-Riverol European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI . Prof Oscar Rivera Borroto Lone Star College-CyFair , Prof. Bairong Shen 四川大学 , Prof. Maité SYLLA Cnam (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers) Paris, Prof. Iseult Lynch 英国伯明翰大学 , Prof. Juan M. Ruso , Prof. Xerardo García Mera, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela , Dr. David albesa-jove Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa , ... and more to come.
<Academic Activity>
CHEMIF.PTML Visiting, Postdocs, and Students. On this 10 Years the lab has/has had also the important Contribution and Support of >10 On Site PostDocs/Visiting Professors, >30 PhD students, 25> MSc students, >10 BSc Degree students, graduated/in process, >20 International interchange students enrolled on dfferent academic studies or interchange programs. Full People list:
CHEMIF.PTML Students Enrollment. Firstly, we want to thank all directors and staff of academic programns that have enrolled our stduents on these years. UPV/EHU Prof E Lete (PhD Coord.) and Prof Nuria Sotomayor (Msc Coord.) Indust. Synth. Chem. prog., UPV/EHU Prof JJ Meana (PhD Coord.) Pharmacol. prog., UPV/EHU Prof Javier Dolado (PhD Coord.) Info. Eng. prog., UDC Prof. Julián Dorado de la Calle (PhD Coord.) ICTs prog., USC Prof. Juan M. Ruso (PhD Coord.) Appl. Phys. prog. UDEUSTO Prof. Enrique Onieva (Vice-Dean) Int. Rel. and Online Training.
*CHEMIF.PTML LAB Postdocs and Visiting Researchers Past/Present Scholars (2013-2024). See present position and date of visit to our lab.
01. PhD. Gerardo M. Casanola-Martin North Dakota State University Data Scientist. CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Scholar (2013).
02. Prof. Peter Langer, Universit?t Rostock , Germany, UPVEHU-UROSTOCK Erasmus+ agreement, OMS Group / CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Profesor (2015).
03. PhD Jan Ewald ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Data Scientist, CHEM.PTML Lab Friedrich Schiller University Jena Visiting Scholar (2015?).
04. Prof. Juan Alberto Castillo-Garit Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana Chile, CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Scholar (2013).
05. Prof. Julio Caballero, Universidad de Talca, Chile, CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Profesor (2016?).
06. PhD Javier Llorente Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco , CHEM.PTML Lab Postdoc (2018).
07. PhD Iratxe Barbolla GalChimia R&D Chemist, OMS Group / CHEM.PTML Lab Postdoc (2020-2022).
08. PhD Carlos Santiago álvarez , UPV/EHU, OMS Group / CHEM.PTML Lab Postdoc (2022-2024).
09. Prof. Deyani Nocedo , Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León , CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Professor (2018, 2023).
10. Dr. Jose Luis Rodríguez PostDoc Universidade de Santiago de Compostela , CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Scholar (2015).
11. M.D. Ph.D. F Xavier Romero-Durán, M.D. Neurologist, Clínica Indautxu, Bilbao, CHEM.PTML Lab Collaborator (2018-2024).
12. Prof. José María Monserrat , Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil, CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Professor (2018).
13. PhD. Bernabe Ortega-Tenezaca , Universidad Estatal Amazónica , Ecuador, Data Scientist, CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Scholar (2020).
15. MD PhD Kun Liu, First Hospital of 兰州大学 , CHEM.PTML Lab Visiting Scholar (2023).
*CHEMIF.PTML LAB PhD Graduated/Expected(e) (2013-2026). We specially thank the unbaluable effort of all our PhD students for the years dedicated to our lab.
27. Ph.D. Gerardo M. Casanola-Martin UPV/EHU 2025e, North Dakota State University, Researcher.
26. Eng. Ernesto Contreras-Torres, UPV/EHU, 2027e. Data Analyst, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. , USA Ltd., Biscay filial.
25. MSc. Enrique Barreiro, UDC 2024e. LEBT Mental Health, USA, Miami, Med. coding.
24. MSc. Estefania Ascencio Medina, UPV/EHU, 2025e. IKERDATA S.L., NextGenEU/NDSU USA Fellow.
23. MSc. Shan He, UPV/EHU, 2025e. IKERDATA S.L., NextGenEU/NDSU USA Fellow.
22. MSc. Maider Baltasar Marchueta, UPV/EHU, 2025e. IKERDATA S.L., NextGenEU/TULANE USA Fellow.
21. MSc. Andrea Ruiz Escudero, UPV/EHU, 2025e. IKERDATA S.L., NextGenEU/TULANE USA Fellow.
20. MSc. Ane Ibá?ez Antolín, UPV/EHU, 2025e. BIOLAN Microbiosensors , Company, Researcher
19. MSc. Gabriel Mazón, USC 2025e. Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam (IKIAM) Univ., Researcher.
18. MSc. Galo Cerda Mejía, USC 2025e. IKIAM Univ., Researcher.
17. M.D. Ma Dolores Pastor, UPV/EHU 2026e. OSAKIDETZA, Med. Doctor.
16. MSc. Brenda de la Caridad Fundora Ortiz, UPV/EHU 2024e. Grupo SPRI Elkartek Program Funded, PhD Student.
15. MSc. Yendrek Andres Velasquez Lopez, UPV/EHU, 2024e. Universidad de Las Américas (EC) (UDLA) Researcher.
14. Ph.D. Prof. Li Chen, West China Hospital, UPV/EHU 2024, Sichuan Univ., Head of Service, Lect.
13. Ph.D. Prof. Ling Xue, UPV/EHU 2024. Sochoow Univ. Hopital, China, Pharmacol., Lect.
12. Ph.D. Fernando Eiras Abalde, UPV/EHU 2024. SERGAS, Galicia, Med. Doc.
11. Prof. Emilia Vásquez, UPV/EHU 2025. UDLA, Ecuador.
10. Ph.D. Prof. Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres, UDC, 2023. IKERDATA S.L. CEO Startup company.
09. Ph.D. Paula Carracedo Reboredo, UDC 2018. Plexus Tech Company, Data Engineer.
08. Ph.D. Ricardo Santana, UDEUSTO 2021. TULANE USA Fellow, Company Data scientist, United Kingdom.
07. Ph.D. Prof. Viviana Quevedo-Tumailli, UDC 2022, Full Professor, UEA, Ecuador.
06. Ph.D. Prof. Karel Dieguez Santana, EHU 2022, IKIAM Univ., Dir. Sci. Facility, Ecuador.
05. Ph.D. Prof. Andrés López-Cortés, PhD, UDC 2021, UDLA, Ecuador.
04. Ph.D. Prof. Alejandro Cabrera Andrade, UDC 2021, UDLA, Ecuador.
03. Ph.D. F Xavier Romero-Durán, USC 2016,M.D. Neurologist, Clínica Indautxu, Bilbao.
02. Ph.D. Diana Herrera, UDC 2015, Kansas State University, USA, Postdoc.
01. Ph.D. Prof. Cristian R. Munteanu, PhD UDC 2013 (2nd), Prof., Universidade da Coru?a, Faculty of Informatics, Computer Sciences Professor, IKERDATA S.L. Company co-founder, Coru?a, Spain.
*CHEMIF.PTML LAB PhD Graduated Before 2013. Before lab creation in 2013 and hiring by ikerbasque. Thank you also to all you the basis were set up for making the creation of this lab possible.
01. PhD Francisco Javier Prado Prado Prof Universidad de Quintana Roo , Investing entrepeneur. Supervisors: Profs. Uriarte E. (USC), Santana L. (USC),USC 2006.
02. PhD Lázaro Guillermo Pérez Montoto , Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Postdoc, Supervisors: Profs. Uriarte E. (USC), Santana L. (USC), González-Díaz H. (USC), Student Hired/Funded by: Xunta de Galicia . USC Thesis 2007.
03. PhD Riccardo Concu Universidade do Porto PostDc Researcher, USC Master and Back, Università degli Studi di Cagliari PhD Thesis 2010.
04. PhD Giulio Ferino , Università degli Studi di Cagliari PostDoc, Supervisors: Prof. Podda G. (UNICA), Dr. Santiago Vilar (NIH, USA), Prof. González-Díaz H. (USC), Student Hired/Funded by: Università degli Studi di Cagliari , USC Master and Back, The National Institutes of Health Research Stay, UNICA PhD Thesis 2010.
05. PhD Manuel Quintín Escobar Cubiella Fresenius Kabi , Supervisors: Prof. Xerardo García Mera (USC), PhD. Prado-Prado, F. (USC), Prof. González-Díaz H. (USC), Student Hired/Funded by: MSD Merck , Novartis, Teva Pharmaceuticals, USC PhD Thesis 2012.
06. PhD Isela García Pintos Xunta de Galicia Professor, Supervisors: Prof. García Mera X. (USC), PhD. Prado-Prado F (USC), Prof. González-Díaz H. (USC), Collaborator: Prof. Yagamare Fall-Diop (UVIGO), Student Hired/Funded by: Universidade de Vigo PostDoc, USC PhD Thesis (2nd) 2011.
07. Ph.D. Pablo Riera Fernández , Supervisors: PhD. Prado-Prado F. (USC) and Prof. H. Gonzalez-Diaz (USC), Student Hired/Funded by: Galician Marine Aquaculture, S.L. , USC PhD Thesis 2012.
*CHEMIF.PTML LAB MSc Former/Present Students:
27. BSc Jose Carrilero, UPV/EHU, 2025.
26. BSc ángela Domínguez-Gil García, UPVEH/EHU, 2025.
25. MSc Fabian Chavez, UPVEH/EHU, 2024.
24. MSc Berta Arbonés Mateu, UPV/EHU, 2024.
23. MSc Dahiana Pe?uela Prado, UPVEH/EHU, 2022
22. MSc Marta Castillo Jiménez, BTI Biotechnology Institute , UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2023
21. MSc Oier Lana Llorens, UPV/EHU, 2023
20. MSc Yanelis Gonzalez, Elproex Industrial , UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2022.
19. MSc Ane Ibá?ez Antolín, BIOLAN Microbiosensors UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2022.
18. MSc Carlos Santolaria Royo, 诺华 Radioligand Laboratory Technician, UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2022.
17. MSc Maxim Belii, UPV/EHU, 2022.
16. MSc Tania Gorgal Lama, Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears (IdISBa) , UDC MSc Thesis 2021.
15. MSc Naia López Hernansanz, QUIMUNSA , UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2021.
14. MSc Shan He, UPV/EHU, 2021.
13. MSc Jon Collados, Datua IA Data Engineer, UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2021, BSc Deg Thesis 2020.
12. MSc Maider Baltasar Marchueta, UPV/EHU, 2021.
11. MSc Cristina Lanza, UPV/EHU, 2021
10. MSc Brenda de la Caridad Fundora Ortiz, Fundación Carolina , UPV/EHU, 2020.
09. MSc. Yendrek Andres Velasquez Lopez, UPV/EHU 2020.
08. MSc Leidi Hernández Suárez, IMG Pharma Biotech , UPV/EHU MSc Thesis 2020.
07. MSc Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres, UPV/EHU, 2019.
06. MSc Omar Landaeta, Plexus Tech Data Scientist, UDC MSc Thesis 2018.
05. MSc Néstor Heredia García, UPV/EHU, 2015.
04. MSc Alejandro Speck-Planche, Hospital del Mar Research Institute Postdoc, USC Msc Thesis 2014.
03. MD MSc Edgar Lopez de Castro Delgado , Board Certified Adult Psychiatrist, SBH Health System , Bronx, USA, UPV/EHU MSc Thesis Pharmacol, 2014.
02. MSc Jose Besada, Xunta de Galicia, Profesor, USC PhD 2014.
01. MSc Marcelina Besada Porto, Xunta de Galicia, Profesor, USC PhD 2013.
*CHEMIF.PTML LAB BSc Former/Present Students.
11. BSc. naroa apodaka ayala UPV/EHU BSc. Deg. Thesis, 2024e.
10. BSc. June Artaraz UPV/EHU BSc. Deg. Thesis, 2024.
09. MSc. Bego?a De Bilbao Gonzalez UPV/EHU BSc. Deg. Thesis, 2022.
08. MSc. Zuri?e Serna Burgos, UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2021.
07. BSc. Xabier Lasuen Basterretxea, UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2021.
06. BSc. mikel calderon gortazar , UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2021.
05. MSc. Julen Segura Abarrategi , Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) , UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2019.
04. MSc. Xabier Jiménez de Aberasturi UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2019.
03. MSc. Leire Llona 礼来 Assoc., UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2019.
02. MSc. Lorena Simon Vidal i+Med Company, UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2016.
01. PhD Cristina Blázquez Barbadillo Universidad Europea , UPV/EHU BSc Deg. Thesis, 2015.
BSc International Internship Students. Students funded by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) , Colciencias , etc. Daniel Arturo Jarquin Moreno , Christhian Delfino Villanueva Medina , Scarlett Pérez Olea , Diana Urista , Marisol Solorio González de Salceda , ...
CHEM.PTML Sponsors. Last but not least we want to acknowledge the main sponsors who funded our lab academic, research, and transference activity (projects, students stays, papers, congreses, etc.). Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco , Ikerbasque , European Commission , Grupo SPRI , Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades , IKERDATA S.L. company, North Dakota State University , Tulane University , milesker, thank you to you all!!!
*Some MSc students of the lab do short industrial internships on the IKERDATA S.L. company and some workers of the company are/have been PhD students in the lab. Enrollment Universities: (1) Univ. Basque Country (UPV/EHU), (2) Univ. Coru?a (UDC), (3) Univ. Stgo. de Comp. (USC), (4) Univ. Deusto (UDEUSTO).
Cheminformatics and Data Scientist
3 个月Congratulations Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. !
Senior Research Chemical Engineer at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
4 个月Congrats Humbert G. Díaz, Prof.!