CHEM.PTML LAB Social Networking and Staf Mobility Actions 2023-2024
Humbert G. Díaz, Prof.
IKERBASQUE Senior Prof. Univ. of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Dept. Org. & Inorg. Chemistry│UPV/EHU-CSIC BIOFISIKA, PI CHEMIF.PTML Multi-Center Lab│UPV/EHU IKERDATA S.L. PI Founder (Lang: EN work, SP native, EU basic)
CHEMIF.PTML LAB Summarizes here some of the more relevant Networking and/or Staf Mobility Actions in 2023-2024 of our members including visits to/from Prof Jia Zhou, PhD The University of Texas Medical Branch lab, Prof Bakhtiyor Rasulev North Dakota State University lab, Prof Matthew Montemore Tulane University lab, Prof Bairong Shen 华西医院 , Prof. @Samuel Thomas (Dean), Prof Anne-Marie Barron , Prof. Luis Molina (Math Depart Leads) and Prof. Oscar Rivera Borroto Lone Star College Lone Star College-CyFair , TX Houston and very specially Christmas Workshop Dinner 2023 with Profs Fernando P. Cossío Mora (Ikerbasque Scientific Director), Ana Arrieta, Antonia Mielgo, Esther Lete (PhD Coord.), Nuria Sotomayor (MSc Coord.) Profs. Lourdes Basabe, Jordi Llop, Mónica Carril García, Arkaitz Correa, Concepcion Alonso, ... etc. see details:
1. UTMB US TX Galveston Prof J Zhou visit
The University of Texas Medical Branch, The University of Texas System, Full Prof. Jia Zhou, PhD and Dr. Haiying Chen hosted visit to hashtag#Galveston, USA, of Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez and Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. (Ikerbasque) Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa.We explored new collaborations in hashtag#AI hashtag#computationalchemistry hashtag#drugdiscovery and hashtag#medicinalchemistry between our groups and also talk about our IKERDATA S.L. Zitek UPV/EHU startup company. Thank you, to Dr Allen Reitz Fox Chase Therapeutics Discovery, Inc. for introducing us to each other and Eng. Abdelaxys Duardo Sanchez AT&T Houston Prem Tech and hashtag#IKERDATA S.L. Texas Business Representative for the logistics!!!
2. LSC SCyFair US TX Houston Katy City visit
Lone Star College Lone Star College-CyFair, Prof. @Samuel Thomas (Dean), Prof Anne-Marie Barron , Prof. Luis Molina (Math Depart Leads) and Prof. Oscar Rivera Borroto (visit coord.) kindly hosted visit to hashtag#Cypress and KatyCity, hashtag#Houston, hashtag#Texas, USA, of Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez and Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. (Ikerbasque) Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU, and Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa. explored new collaborations in STEM students/staff interchange and academic/industrial phdstudents advisoring focused on AI, mathematics, complex networks, applied to Cheminformatics, Biomedicalengineering etc. We also explored the potential market and perspectives of expansion in Texas for our hashtag#startup company IKERDATA S.L., Zitek UPV/EHU, supported by researchers from ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU and Facultad Informática, Universidade da Coru?a. Thanks to you all and to Eng. Abdelaxys Duardo Sanchez Prem Tech at American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) Houston and IKERDATA S.L. Texas Business Representative for the logistics!!!
3. Organic Chemistry Christmas Workshop Dinner 2023.
CHEMIF.PTML LAB IP Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. assisted to OrganicChemistry Christmas Workshop 2023, Dept Organic Chemistry, Donosty San Sebastián. Thanks Profs Fernando P. Cossío Mora (Ikerbasque Scientific Director), Ana Arrieta, Antonia Mielgo, Arkaitz Correa, Concepcion Alonso, Esther Lete (PhD Coord.), Nuria Sotomayor (MSc Coord.) for the organization/invitation to OrganicChemistry Christmas Workshop 2023, Dept Organic Chemistry. Also thanks to, Profs. Lourdes Basabe, Jordi Llop, Mónica Carril García, ... for excellent talks, and Profs. Enrique Gómez-Bengoa, Abel de Cozar, Jose Luis Vicario, Raul San Martin, Maite Herrero, Liher Prieto, Uxue Uria Pujana, Efrain Reyes.... for the interesting discussions and/or company..., Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, PhD Synthetic and Industrial Chemistry, Restaurant Txinparta, Prof Kontxi Alonso's, picture.
4. NDSU US EU INVESTIGO students visit
orth Dakota State University Assoc. Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev and Dr. Gerardo M. Casanola-Martin, doing Online Working Meeting with our group. We discussed international thesis projects of MSc. Estefania Ascencio Medina and MSc. Shan He. They are our PhD students doing stay abroad at NDSU Rasulev's lab on AI Cheminformatics with Phyton applied to Nanotechnology Biomedicalengineering, PCR analysis and Genomics.
They both are CHEMIF.PTML LAB Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea PhD Students hired by IKERDATA S.L. Zitek UPV/EHU CEO MSc. Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres as part of our DADPhD INVESTIGO project with Lanbide managed European Commission NextGenerationEU funds.
They are scientifically supervised by Alejandro Pazos Universidade da Coru?a, Prof. Sonia Arrasate Gil, Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez, and Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. (Ikerbasque) ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU and Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa. PD: We also discussed about possibilities of research projects and students interchange between our research groups as well as potential market and perspectives of expansion in NorthDakota for IKERDATA S.L. Zitek UPV/EHU startup company.
North Dakota State University Abroad Students MSc Estefania Ascencio Medina and Shan He presented 2 posters at Conference on Computational Science (CCS), NDSU, Fargo, USA, during research stay at Prof Bakhtiyor Rasulev lab and co-supervised by PhD Gerardo M. Casanola-Martin (postdoc). CCS brings together researchers from various research fields (agriculture, business, engineering, natural sciences, socialsciences and humanities) and aims to showcase and promote computational-related research at NDSU and foster interdisciplinary collaboration. posters presented are: Poster 01: Shan He, Cristian R. Munteanu, Bego?a De Bilbao Gonzalez, Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres, M. Chelu, Adina Magdalena Musuc, Sonia Arrasate Gil, Alejandro Pazos, and Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. Human hashtag#coloncancer Dual Active Drug–Metal Organic Framework (MOF) hashtag#nanoMaterial (DADMOM) systems: Dataset compilation and ArtificialIntelligence modeling. CCS (2023) USA, NDSU, Fargo, Poster s02.Poster 02: Estefania Ascencio Medina, Carmen Velásquez, A. González-Maga?a, Maria Dolores Pastor Vivero, Laura Acosta, Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez, Sonia Arrasate Gil, Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. González-Díaz, and David albesa-jove. PCR IFPT MachineLearning (ML) Metagenomic study of lung hashtag#microbiome in Cysticfibrosis: Toward hashtag#GDPR Personalizedmedicine compliant decisionmaking. CCS (2023) USA, NDSU, Fargo, Poster s01. Both researchers are Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea PhD Students hired by IKERDATA S.L. Zitek UPV/EHU CEO MSc. Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres as part of our DADPhD INVESTIGO project with Lanbide managed European Commission NextGenerationEU funds.They are scientifically supervised by?Alejandro Pazos Sierra Universidade da Coru?a, Prof. Sonia Arrasate Gil, and Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. (Ikerbasque) ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU and Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa.Thank you to all people and funding or collaborating institutions, very specially to NDSU Dept. of Coatings and Polymeric Materials, Dean Webster (Chair), Prof Bakhtiyor Rasulev (Lab Head) and Dr Gerardo M. Casanola-Martin (Post-Doc), and ELKARTEK SPRI Group, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, osakidetza, Ikerbasque, for their support!!!
5. WCH SCU Prof B Sheng visit
Prof. Bairong Shen, West China Hospital, Sichuan University and Soochow University Come to our Lab. West China Medical Center rank among top 3 hospitals in China and largest comprehensive hospital in the world.
We are Celebrating >10 Years of Fruitfull Collaboration ???? ???? . Started by our paper in 2010 and visits of Dr. Riccardo Concu and Dr. Oana Chis to his group and including Recent PhD Dissertations of Ph.D. Shu Min Ren 任姝敏, Ph.D. M.D. @Kun liu kun-liu-000952150 PhD Pharm.Lics. Li Chen, Ling Xue, etc. and online colab. with postdoc Dr. Rajeev K Singla .
Under Our DADPhD Initiative Future Opportunities on ???? ???? Staff/Students Interchange are to be Considered with Prof JJ Means Fac. Medicine, Prof Cesar Martin Dept Biochemistry, Dr. Chen Xi, Prof Sonia Arrasate Gil and Prof Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. (Ikerbasque) ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU, and Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez Red Cátedra de Derecho y Genoma Humano Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
We Also Visited IKERDATA S.L. Zitek UPV/EHU company Invited by CEO Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres to Talk About Interchange of Industrial PhD Students and Buisiness Opportunities, with our INVESTIGO European Commission hashtag#NextGenerationEU Researchers Shan He, Estefania Ascencio Medina, and Andrea Ruiz Escudero .
We Visited, hashtag#BIOFISIKA Istitute of Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa Ivited by Dr David albesa-jove, to talk about his work and for Short Visit to Basque Resource for Electron Microscopy (BREM). Thank you Dr Kristina Barragán Sanz by kind explanation.
Next Moves: Prof Bairong Shen visiting Prof Alejandro Pazos Universidade da Coru?a, Profs Mabel Loza, Juan M. Ruso ... Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Prof Natalia Cordeiro, Dr Riccardo Concu Funda??o para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Universidade do Porto, etc.
6. UTULANE US PhD students visit
European Commission #NextGenerationEU-Lanbide #INVESTIGO Program PhD ???? Students, MSc. Andrea Ruiz Escudero and MSc. Maider Baltasar Marchueta Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Returned from Tulane University Prof. Matthew Montemore's Lab ? Spring Research stay. Welcome Back Home, #OngiEtorri ????????!!!! Thank you for #NewOrleans #MardiGrass necklaces and souvenirs ??
CHEM.PTML LAB DADPhD Program in collaboration with IKERDATA S.L. Company Adds Also #INVESTIGO ???? Students Estefania Ascencio Medina and Shan He Research Stays at North Dakota State University Prof Bakhtiyor Rasulev's Lab last Summer - Winter seasons. ?? Students hired by Zitek UPV/EHU IKERDATA S.L. company with CEO MSc. Harbil Bediaga Ba?eres managing support and scientific supervision of Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra Universidade da Coru?a, Prof. Sonia Arrasate Gil and Humbert G. Díaz, Prof. (Ikerbasque) ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU and Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa. Acknowledgements: Thank you to Prof Matthew Montemore and Prof Bakhtiyor Rasulev for their support, Dr. Ricardo Santana, Ph.D. and Dr. Gerardo M. Casanola-Martin hashtag#NDSU for their recommendations and support, and old hosting and funding entities!!!
7. UANL MX Prof D Nocedo visit
Dr. Deyani Nocedo Mena Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León visiting ZTF-FCT :: UPV/EHU funded by Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Posgrado CUMexAUIP 2023 mobility grants, welcome!!! Looking for having fruitfull collaborations like in past visit, refs:
(1) Modeling Antibacterial Activity with MachineLearning and Fusion of Chemical Structure Information with Microorganism Metabolic Networks. Deyani Nocedo Mena, Cornelio C, Camacho-Corona MDR, Garza-González E, Waksman de Torres N, Sonia Arrasate Gil, Sotomayor N, Lete E, Humbert G. Díaz, Prof.. American Chemical Society, J Chem Inf Model. 2019 Mar 25;59(3):1109-1120. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00034, (2) Palladium-mediated synthesis and biological evaluation of C-10b substituted Dihydropyrrolo[1,2-b]hashtag#isoquinolines as hashtag#antileishmanial agents. Iratxe Barbolla, Leidi Hernández Suárez, Viviana Quevedo-Tumailli,?Nocedo-Mena D, Arrasate S, María Auxiliadora Dea-Ayuela, González-Díaz H, Sotomayor N, Lete E. Elsevier Eur J Med Chem. 2021 Aug 5;220:113458. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113458.