Chemistry 101 for Podcasters
Dave Farough
Content Strategy | Talent Development - Vista Radio and Acadia Broadcasting | Past President- Canadian Club of London
I love Chemistry. Not the beaker kind so much, but chemistry between hosts. When the talent is prepared and the conversation "flows", it's Magic!
Unfortunately, it's also pretty rare with a lot of Podcasts.
Here's 5 Chemistry Mistakes that will Blow up the Lab (Podcast) Everytime...
1) Lack of Pre-Show Prep; Not knowing who's going to "drive" the topic and who is there to gently assist as the passenger BEFORE the mics go on - a guaranteed recipe for an explosion.
2) Ego; one host hogs the mic or must have the last word- Kaboom!
3) Lack of Discipline; during a discussion about a topic, a completely irrelevant thought enters one of the hosts minds and instead of letting it go, they throw it out there and bring the conversation to a grinding halt. Frustrating for the hosts and the audience.
4) No planned "Out"; Not knowing the destination in advance (how you're going to exit the topic gracefully) makes the trip long and winding and full of Blah Blah Blah.
5) "One-Upping" Each Other; One host makes a good point or has a funny line and instead of ending the topic and moving on, the other host tries to "top" it and it's game on. Back and forth and back and forth until it's no longer funny...or fun...and becomes just plain "bad."
I'm sure there are more than 5- please add to the list.