ChemGrout Pumpability Index ?
ChemGrout, Inc.
ChemGrout, Inc. | Est. 1963 We engineer and manufacture a range of industrial grout pumps and mixers. Made in the USA.
The purpose of the ChemGrout Pumpability Index? is to rank the pumpability of many pre-blended grouts through various grout pumps in order to identify the minimum size pump for the material. The Index rates the products based on many variables, including horsepower requirements, pump discharge pressure and product flow rates through various hose diameters and lengths.
Grout mixing and pump test results were performed at ChemGrout using a specially instrumented size 6 progressing cavity grout pump. Test batches were mixed using the manufacturer’s recommended mix ratios, or the midpoint if a range was specified. Prior to pump testing, all materials were subject to physical tests including sieve analysis, flow cone or slump testing, material temperature, water or polymer temperature, batch temperature. In addition, other conditions were noted, such as mixing times, appearance of the mixed material, and ambient temperature and humidity
The pumps recommended by the ChemGrout Pumpability Index? are considered to be the minimal pump required to successfully pump the specified material. Desired production rates and pressures required by the application determine the correct mixer and pump size for a specific application and may be different from the recommended pump.
The following equipment is engineered and manufactured by ChemGrout:
Chemgrout Pumpability Index of Manufacturers
Chemgrout Pumpability Application
Key Notes on Product Testing
General Comments:
Grout mixing and pump test results were performed at ChemGrout using a specially instrumented size 6 progressing cavity grout pump. The batches were mixed using the manufactures recommended mix ratios or the midpoint if a range was specified. We are listing the minimal pump for the material. The production rate required determines the correct mixer and pump size for a specific application.
Chart Key:
Manufacturer – The material manufacture, click to go to the manufacturer’s web site.
Material – The manufacture’s name for the material tested.
Application – The primary application specified by the manufacture for the material.
Test Results – The ChemGrout Pumpability Index?, click for link for detailed pump test results.
Max. Distance – Maximum pumping distance as indicated by discharge pressure during testing.
Min. Pump – Minimum pump recommended by ChemGrout, see Pump Rating for details.