Chelsea Challenge with Brunel University London
Brunel students have been offered a chance to show off their entrepreneurship skills, helping one of the country’s top football teams, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week.
Chelsea FC Foundation, in partnership with the University, are offering an opportunity for up to 150 students to spend a morning with the Club. Working in teams, the students will try and tackle a real-life business challenge faced by the Club at an international level. They will then have a chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of referees with the goal of being chosen as the winning team.
Using Design based thinking, this is a great chance for our students to demonstrate their mental agility, collaboration and teamwork, ability to kick around and defend their ideas, and reach the target before the final whistle. No prior knowledge of football is required, just the ability to utilise the knowledge gained in the classroom and demonstrate the kind of skills required by all employers in all walks of life.