States United Democracy Center
A bipartisan organization advancing free, fair, and secure elections. Democracy needs back-up, that's where we come in.
2024 has been a busy year.??
We had another free, fair, and secure election, thanks to the incredible work of election officials, state and local leaders, volunteers, and pro-democracy organizations.?
At States United, we supported state and local leaders and worked with a growing set of bipartisan partners to protect the vote, keep elections and the people who run them safe, and promote accurate and accessible information. To accomplish all of that, we grew our staff to the biggest, most skilled team we’ve ever had.?
There is still more work to be done, and we’re ready to meet the challenges ahead. For now, we’ll be signing off for the year to rest, recharge, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the holidays. We hope you’re able to do the same. We appreciate you for following us this year.?
We’ll see you in 2025. We’re just getting started.??
The States United newsletter will be on hiatus next week. It will return Friday, Jan. 3.?
Sign up for daily updates here.
Donate here.?Your tax-exempt donation will support States United Democracy Center’s work to empower the state and local leaders who safeguard our democracy.