CheckPoint CloudGuard IaaS High Availability Terraform deployment in Azure

CheckPoint CloudGuard IaaS High Availability Terraform deployment in Azure

A client requested a CheckPoint CloudGuard IaaS High Availability (HA) deployment in Azure. Due to current limitations, CloudGuard supports a maximum of two members per cluster, with each member deployed in a separate availability zone. Only High Availability Mode (Active/Standby) is supported, while Load Sharing Mode is not available.

This article demonstrates how to deploy CloudGuard IaaS HA into an existing virtual network using Terraform and Azure DevOps. It provides a detailed overview of the CloudGuard architecture alongside step-by-step instructions for the Terraform deployment process.

If you want to keep updated on the latest?known limitations.

Deployment Plan

Step 1 – Virtual network and subnet

Step 2 – Route Table

Step 3 – Network Security Group

Step 4 – Create a CheckPoint Infinity Portal

Step 5 – Enabling the Smart-1 Cloud Application

Step 6 – Smart-1 Cloud Token

Step 7 – Create a Storage Account

Step 8 – Create a new Azure DevOps Repository

Step 9 – Create a Service Principal

Step 10 – Grant the Service Principal permissions and scope

Step 11 – Store Service Principal credentials into terraform.tfvars

Step 12 – Marketplace enablement

Step 13 – Azure DevOps Classic pipelines

Step 14 – DevOps Service Connection

Step 15 – Terraform INIT pipeline

Step 16 – Updating the file

Step 17 – Verification

Deployment Steps

Step 1 - Virtual network and subnet

Create or identify your target virtual network into which you intend to deploy your CloudGuard resources,

Create or identity your target?subnets.

(There is no scaling of these resources so you can make the subnet quite small),

The subnets need to be dedicated to the CloudGuard appliances, no other resources may be deployed into this subnet,

Two pre-create subnets are required.



Step 2 - Route Table

Create a User Defined Routing (UDR) for the checkpoint-frontend subnet,

Associate the UDR with your checkpoint-frontend subnet,

Create two routes:

First route to drop all traffic to the entire virtual network,

Second route to only allow traffic to the checkpoint-frontend subnet,

Step 3 - Network Security Group

Create an NSG that needs to be associated with your frontend subnet, that allows all inbound and outbound TCP and UDP traffic to connect the External Load Balancer and Cluster Members successfully.

Step 4 - Create a CheckPoint Infinity Portal

Check Point Infinity Portal is the Check Point cloud platform for hosting the Check Point Security-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. The SaaS platform needs to be configured in order to create your token

  1. Go to the?Infinity Portal?to create your user account,
  2. Create your Infinity account by entering your company’s name, email address, phone number, and country.

3. Click Select Data Residency. The Available Region window opens and shows available services based on region. Click a region’s name to see services available for a specific region. A green check mark adjacent to the service name indicates an available service for that region.

4. Select the account type (Customer is the default type). It is possible to change the account type after creating the account.

5. Select these checkboxes: ○ Optional: Subscribe to Check Point Product News. ○ I accept the Infinity Portal terms of service and the Privacy Policy.

6. When you receive the confirmation email,

7. Click on the activation instructions in the email sent to your account,

8. To go back to the sign-in page, finish the process to activate your account,

9. Login to the Infinity Portal,

Step 5 - Enabling the Smart-1 Cloud Application

Quantum Smart-1 Cloud manages maintenance and saves time during onboarding new gateways, monitoring devices, facility power and any new updates or hotfixes automatically via the Quantum Smart-1 Cloud

In the Infinity Portal,

Select the Menu button (top left corner),

From the drop-down menu, select Smart-1 Cloud,

Accept the service terms,

Click on?Get Started,

Enter the required information to configure the service:



Service Identifier

Desired Log Retention Period

The desired retention period to keep the logs.

Logs are deleted after the defined period.


The Preparing Account window opens,

After the process is complete, an email is sent to your account.

Step 6 - Smart-1 Cloud Token

In Smart-1 Cloud portal:

On the left navigation panel, click?Connect Gateways,

Click the large?plus?icon.

The Register a New Security Gateway window opens.

In the Gateway Name field, enter the name for this object,

Optional: In the Comment field, enter the applicable text,


This creates a new Security Gateway object in the Service with the name that you entered,

Click on the?Connect Gateway?button,

Copy the Token from the connect gateway screen,

Keep this token safe for use later.

(This token will be pasted into the CloudGuard template as?smart_1_cloud_token_a)

When the CloudGuard Gateway deployment completes:

A tunnel will be established between the Security Gateway and the Smart-1 Cloud,

Step 7 - Create a Storage Account

A storage account and container is required for the provisioning of the Terraform-based DevOps pipelines. However, in this deployment, no actual data will be stored in this storage account and hence, will incur no costs.

Pre-create a resource group into which to deploy your storage account. This resource group will not be the same resource group into which your Check Point CloudGuard resources will be deployed, as that resource group will be provisioned during the template run.

You have the option to provisio the storage account via the portal or use this powershell script to:

#1 provision your storage account,

#2 provision a container.

#1 – Deploy the storage account


##st.acc variables##
$StorageAccName = ‘<>’
$StorageType = ‘Standard_LRS’
$ResourceGroupName = “<>”
$location = “<>”

###create your storage account
New-AzStorageAccount `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $StorageAccName `
-Type $StorageType `
-Location $location `
-Tag @{CustomerName=”Customer01″; `
AutoShutdownSchedule=”None”; `

#2 – Create a container

###create your container

$azstorageacc = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $StorageAccName
$NewContainerName = ‘<containername>’
$CTX = $azstorageacc.Context

New-AzStorageContainer -Name $NewContainerName `
-Context $ctx        

Step 8 - Create a new Azure DevOps Repository

Create a new Azure DevOps repository,

Then the next step will be to clone the Check Point CloudGuard Github repository into your new Azure DevOps repository:

#1 Copy the path of the CloudGuard Github repository,

Go to your Azure DevOps repository,

Select your repository,

Select?Import repository,

Paste the URL into the Clone URL box and click?Import

Your Azure DevOps Repo should now be seeded by the Github repo,

You will also receive an email confirming completion,

Step 9 - Create a Service Principal

By default, a service principal will be deployed by the Terraform template later on.

However, I have chosen to create my own service principal.

If you want to create your own service principal, make sure you set credentials and assign privileges to necessary resources.

Click?here?for PowerShell instructions to quickly and easily create a new Service Principal,

Using the simple PowerShell script:

#Step 1 - #Create a new Service Principal

$name = "cloudguard"
$sp = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $name

#Step 2 - Export the SP secret (copy and save the password)

#Step 3 - Get the Service Principle ApplicationID for the next step (copy and save)
Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $name

The output will produce the following details which you must record for future use:
The passwordsecret,
The ObjectID,
The ClientID / AppID        

Step 10 - Grant the Service Principal permissions and scope

The Check Point Cluster template automatically creates a service principal for each Virtual Machine and assigns the?Contributor?role to the Cluster resource group.

Thus, you do not need to create a service principal, assign it a role, and attach it to each of your individual Cluster resources.

When you deploy the CloudGuard resources into an existing virtual network, you need to assign a?Contributor?role for each Cluster’s managed identity (created during the deployment) to the destination virtual network’s resource group because they are not automatically assigned.

Copy and update the Service Principal credentials into the terraform.tfvars file,

#1 Use the following script to get the Service Principal ID

#Assign RBAC roles to the Service Principal


#Step 1: Identify the Service Principal identity

#For a Microsoft Entra service principal, you need the service principal object ID.

$name = "allen-cloudguard"
Get-AzADServicePrincipal -SearchString $name
(Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $name).id        

#2: Assign role according to the scope

#Contributor role:
$ObjectId = '9ba3bcce-5db4-.............'
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $ObjectId `
-RoleDefinitionName "Contributor"        

Step 11 - Store Service Principal credentials into terraform.tfvars

Edit the terraform.tfvars in the Azure DevOps repository,

Edit and update the following values in the terraform.tfvars file,

Step 12 - Marketplace enablement

Enable the CloudGuard HA product on your subscription, *Without this enablement, the template deployment will fail.

Run the following powershell to enable the product,

az vm image terms accept?--publisher checkpoint –offer check-point-cg-r8040 ` –plan sg-byol        

Verification that the product has been enabled,

Step 13 - Azure DevOps Classic pipelines

Go to DevOps,

Go to Project Settings > Settings >

Disable creation of classic build pipelines = OFF

Disable creation of classic release pipelines = OFF

Step 14 - DevOps Service Connection

Create a new service connection in your DevOps – which will become the Registered App in Entra ID,

Assign this Registered App?Contributor?permissions on your target subscription IAM,


Step 15 - Terraform INIT pipeline

Go to DevOps Pipelines > Create Pipeline,

Select your code repository,

Select a classic editor,

Select the?Azure Repos Git,

Select the project, repository, master branch,


Select a template,

Select?an Empty job,

Click on?+

Add task, search for?Terraform,

Select the?Terraform tool installer > Add

Select?Terraform > Add,

Click on +

Add task, search for?Terraform,

Select?Terraform > Add,

Configure task version =?4,

Customize display name,



Change and point the?github configuration directory?to the target folder location that contains the TF files you are working with,

AzureRM backend configuration:

Select the?service connection?under subscription,

Select the resource group,

Select the storage account and container pre-created earlier,

Insert the storage account access key 1,

Save & Query,

Run pipeline,

Save & Run,

Verify that the?Terraform INIT?task works

Edit pipeline,

Add another Terraform task,

Configure task version =?4,

Customize display name,



Change and point the configuration directory to the target folder that contains the TF files you are working with,

Select subscription / service connection,

Save & Queue,

Run pipeline,

Save & Run,

The Terraform?VERIFY?task should complete successfully,

Edit pipeline,

Add another Terraform task,


Configure task version =?4,

Customize display name,



Change and point the configuration directory to the target folder that contains the TF files you are working with,

Save & Queue,

Run pipeline,

Save & Run,

The Terraform VALIDATE task should complete successfully,

Edit pipeline,

Add another Terraform task,

Terraform APPLY:

Configure task version =?4,

Customize display name,



Change and point the configuration directory to the target folder that contains the TF files you are working with,

Select a service connection,

Save & Queue,

Run pipeline,

Save & Run,

Step 16 - Updating the file

When you run the Terraform Cluster script, you may be presented with a few deprecated messages. Merely delete the afflicted lines in the file as they pop up.

Step 17 - Verification

The deployment should complete successfully.

All the required resources are deployed successfully in the Azure portal:

Each of the virtual machines are spread across 2 availability zones.

You will also have an additional pre-created storage account, an NSG and a bespoke UDR in a 2nd resource group that was not provisioned in the cluster template / resource group.

##Deployment Complete##

Hendrik Du Plooy

Cyber Security Professional

3 天前

WIth the Wiz | Check Point partnership it would be be interesting to see how this would compare to the Wiz architecture and what additional visibility & protection features Wiz would give over the CloudGuard deployment.



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