Checklist for choosing the right office furniture
When choosing a chair look at the following things:
- Is it adjustable? -you should be able to move the height and the back to suit your posture
- Does it support the lower back?
- Can you swivel easily to reach different areas of your desk?
- Does it have wheels?
- Is it comfortable? – could you sit in this chair for hours?
Arm rests are usually a personal choice, I prefer a chair without, many people like them.
When choosing a desk consider the following things:
- Is there enough space for your legs?
- Can you reach your keyboard comfortably?
- Is all your equipment within easy reach?
- Are there any sharp edges?
If you get the desk and chair right then you will be able to work comfortably.
The final part of making your office as comfortable and tidy as possible is choosing the correct storage solutions. Have a think about the sort of things you need to store in your office and choose something appropriate. If you need a lot of books or files then you may want a bookcase. If you deal with a lot of paperwork then a filing cabinet may be more appropriate. You will also need somewhere to store your stationary so it is in easy reach. Desk drawers may be useful for this or a pen holder on the desk.