Checklist before going to print...
Soon as you're ready to move from the design phase to print, most printers require artwork to be supplied as a collected output from layout software such as Adobe InDesign, which will need to include screen and printer fonts.
In some instances, we can print from a high-resolution PDF, and documents created in Microsoft Word but generally, these formats offer a lower quality output.
If your artwork is intended for a four colour process print, make sure the artwork does not contain any hidden spot colours.
Images need to be supplied in high resolution; 300 dpi (dots per inch) or greater, and inset in the CMYK colour space. The industry-standard image editing program is Adobe Photoshop, which is included in our Creative Cloud package.
High-resolution TIFF files or EPS files are the best formats for printing. If converting TIFFs to JPEGs in order to conserve file size, simply ask if you'd like us to convert them back to TIFF before printing.
Make sure bleed is set on any elements which extend to the page edge. 3mm is standard, bleed of up to 25mm can be required for artwork to be wrap mounted - if in doubt, simply ask our Design team.
Logos that contain text should be converted to paths before being sent to print. The Create Outlines function in Adobe Illustrator transforms text into compound paths. The outlined text then becomes part of the image rather than an editable text layer, so any possibility of font problems while printing the logo is removed.
As mentioned in the below article re. Artworking, if you're reading this and feeling a little daunted, please don't worry, our experienced team of Design and Artworkers are here to help through every step of the way!