Checking if website has a ban from Google. How to protect and recover?
How to check?
Ban in search engines may come for various reasons, mainly because of attempts to manipulate the search and use prohibited methods to promote your site.
In order to check for a ban on Google, you simply need to enter this in the search bar:
Instead of substitute the name of your site. If you are shown not 10-12 pages of queries, but only 5-10 queries, then the site is sanctioned. But just do not index the site in search engines does not mean that it was your site is banned, you must also check whether your site is not closed from indexation.
It is always necessary to identify the reasons why this happened, eliminate bugs and return the site back in search. If the site will not be indexed, and will not be present in the search, the seo promotion of the site is useless.
What to do to get back in:
Of course, to get back in, you have to submit a re-inclusion request. Yep you have to swallow your pride and beg on your knees depending on how much you value your domain name.
According to a SEO-hackers, you can also give a tweet to Google Webspam team’s program manger Brian White: @brianwhite just to say “Hi, my site’s been sandboxed.”
Google probably knows each and every detail of your offense against them. If you fail to tell them anything regarding your offense (and perhaps say you’re sorry for each and that you will never do it again) they’ll make it harder for you to get back in if not reject you altogether. Google spam team wants a full accounting of what you did.
If that doesn’t work
Raise the white flag and move on to another domain. Google probably won’t include you back again anymore. All we can do is hope for Google to be nice and include us back again. Unfortunately, Google can also catch bad moods. Sometimes you have to decide that it’s time to move on and leave the hopes of getting your site indexed back again.
Hackers and spammers carry same intention , so they don't care about Google , as we are normal blogger or webmasters must convey the Google's rules:
1. Don't create post exclusively to give links to some website(s).
2. Don't create artificial links which is not related to your website category or topic.
3. Don't post your website links on irrelevant sites, illegal websites, porn websites or spam websites or link exchange or bulk emails.
4. Don't join in a link scheme. Don't post your website link on those link schemes.
5. Don't participate in Widget spam or don't put widget on your site pointing towards spammy websites (in other words Spammy Links Building or exchange websites)
6. Don't involve in Paid links from irrelevant websites or spammy websites which is already discussed above. Putting your website links on spammy websites Google distrust your website entirely or partially depending on the number of links your site getting from those spammy websites.
7. Don't involve in Guest Book Spam, Blog Spam, Excessive Articles Submission, Excessive Link Submission via Link submission software.
8. Don't give Anchor text name for your widget for a particular keyword or phrase. Google consider this also spam. If your widget 100% relevant one and also link to particular website also in same category with higher page rank then there is no problem. If your widget links pointing towards spammy website. Then your site will be penalized by Google for such practices.
9. Don't give Top or Below links in the same post too often. Don't give too many links to other part of your website (other post or other pages of your website) always follow Google Webmaster Guidlines.
10. Don't approve readers comment before you read the comment fully and also make sure that readers posting URL's 100% relevant to your post or page or your website "niche". If your reader try to put some spammy links or irrelevant links on the comment then you will be the loser. Your page rank will drop down drastically and your website taken out of Google Search Index for that post or page or entire website on a whole. So beware of spammy comments on your website.