Checking Out All the Books
A New Year's Resolution for the win: To read and borrow more
Last year's resolution wasn't to be bendier or more fit, but to dive deeper into something I love doing: reading. It seemed like an easy win, like eating more cheese or chocolate.
Also, I felt was slipping into some bad reading habits. The pandemic had got me hooked on instant gratification of buying e-books on my phone, and splurging at the book store. Wanting to be "responsible" in my spending, I gravitated to bargain books (some super bad), thick "more bang for your buck" books, and ones from familiar authors; my choices becoming both narrower and more erratic in terms of quality.
Clearly it was time to head back to the library -- the mothership of books. An added bonus, late fees, my previous downfall, had been waived during COVID and continued in 2023. In fact, recently the Greater Sudbury Public Library decided to get rid of fines forever, seeing them as a barrier to borrowing. Yet, one more reason to love the library!
Around this time, I also read Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project. Rubin believes in taking a methodical approach to happiness: learning what you value in life, what you want to spend your time doing, and taking all the baby steps needed to get there.
Each month of her year round project, Rubin tackled a different theme, almost like mini-New Years resolutions. She also espouses this idea of "doing you," no matter how dorky doing you might be. For instance, Rubin realized, she'll never want to go listen to live jazz but did want to keep collecting and reading biographies. (This book spun off into others focused on how to build and keep new habits, as well as journals with stickers to reward yourself for staying on track with your goals. Yes, adult can do stickers too, if that is you.)
Learning from Rubin that tracking is key to habit building, I decided for my resolution to keep a tally of both book spending and my library "receipts" --how much I saved by borrowing-- as well as the book titles themselves.
My own experiment lacks a baseline. I have no idea how much I read the year previous or really how much I spent. However, in looking at the numbers it does seem to tilt in favour of winning my resolution with following results:
But this New Year's Resolution wasn't just about the numbers and ticking boxes; rather about opening up my reading habits by discovering new authors and letting whim (or is it whimsy?) play a role in expanding my reading universe. I'll confess here that I love many types of fiction (literary, fantasy, speculative fiction and sci-fi) but rarely read non-fiction ones. This preference pretty much held true over the year but I did discover some new authors -- which I see as another win for this one.
These books -- all "new to me" authors -- shook me up, gave me all the feels, some new ideas, and, in some cases, a sense of time or temporal travel:
Some fantastic reads here as well, by some favourite authors:
I feel oddly elated to have actually completed a New Year's resolution over the full course of a year. Most of my resolutions have been monthly affairs, if that.
I've got a new one for 2024 too, also inspired by Rubin: to write for 24 minutes each day in 2024. And yes, there will be tracking, but without stickers. Wish me luck.
Absolutely not too late for #newyearsresolutions discussion! ?? Your commitment is truly inspiring. As Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" Speaking of impactful actions, we're excited about our upcoming sponsorship for the Guinness World Record of Tree Planting. ?? It's a remarkable opportunity to make a significant difference. Maybe that could be a resolution for next year? Check it out:
Absolutely never too late for #newyearsresolutions! ?? As the brilliant Maya Angelou once said, "Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud." It's amazing you've stuck with yours for a whole year! Here at ManyMangoes, we're proud of enhancing our community engagement and bringing more vibrant colors to our online family. ?? How about you? What's your 2023 win? ??